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Everett Griffiths edited this page Jun 24, 2014 · 1 revision


In Moxycart, a product is anything you'd like to sell: it's got a name and a price (even if it's $0).

Required Attributes

Your product needs to have the following attributes:

  • Name : this is how you refer
  • Price : the numeric price with two decimal places (e.g. 12.34). The currency is determined by your Foxycart settings.
  • Alias : this is the lowercase slug that corresponds to the product URL. The alias must be unique amongst all products in the container. The final URL that a product will have is determined by the alias of the parent product container and the alias of the specific product. Only alphanumeric characters and underscores and hyphens may be used for the alias.
  • Foxycart Category : this should correspond with the categories you have defined in your Foxycart dashboard. You can edit the categories available by editing the moxycart.categories System Setting.
  • Template : chose a MODX template to format your product. Your template should use the appropriate placeholders that correspond to a Moxycart product.

Other Attributes

These attributes are not required, but most store-owners will make use of some of these:

  • Browser Title : this one is intended for use as the page title in your browser (in your HTML <head>). For some of you, this will be identical to the "Name" field.
  • Description : a short blurb about the product (limited to 255 characters). This bit of text is often used in lists of products.
  • Content : the main block, this is where you can write everything anyone needs to know about your product with (virtually) no limit on the length.
  • SKU : this is your "unique" shop-keeping-unit ("skyeew"). Moxycart does not enforce the uniqueness of this, however: it's up to you how you organize your products.
  • Strike-Through Price : a numeric value with 2 decimal places that you can use for "eye-candy" to show how much your product cost "before" it got reduced. Unlike the real price, there is no functionality behind this field.
  • In Menu : a yes/no field used to determine whether or not a product will show up in a menu list. You may wish to have products which are able to be purchased, but which do not show up in your automated menus.
  • Active : a yes/no field used to determine whether your product page is publicly visible. If your product is inactive, nobody can purchase it: viewing its page will result in a 404 unless you are logged in as an admin.
  • Product Type : currently, only "Regular" is supported. In the future, we plan to support digital downloads and subscription membership products.
  • Vendor SKU : if you are a reseller, use this field to track the manufacturer's SKU.
  • Qty Min : when a customer buys this product, this is the smallest number of items they can purchase. For most products, this is 1, but for some products, you may need to purchase more than 1 product at a time.
  • Qty Max : this is the maximum number of units that a customer can buy in one checkout. For most products, you should leave this blank (or zero).
  • Back Order Cap : if you are tracking inventory, there are some situations when it's ok for you to have a negative inventory. The Back Order Cap lets you define a number whereby you can go negative. For example, if you are selling handmade baskets and you know you can weave 5 of them in one day, you might set your backorder cap to 5 and thus allow customers to place orders for more baskets than you actually have.
  • Product Container: this dropdown will list a product's parent container. If you have multiple containers on your site, use this dropdown to move a product between them.

Sale Attributes

If you want to put a product on sale, you will will need to modify these attributes:

  • Sale Price : a digit with two decimal places. This price will be used as the product's [[+calculated_price]] if and when the product is on sale.
  • Sale Start : a date when this product goes on sale.
  • Sale End : a date when the sale ends.

In your template, you can use the [[+calculated_price]] field to intelligently show the product's regular price or its sale price depending on the sale attributes you have defined here.

Inventory Attributes

There are a handful of settings that relate to tracking inventory on your site.

  • Track Inventory : an on/off switch determining whether or not the inventory quantity will be automatically decremented. (The updateInventory must be properly referenced in your parseFoxycartDatafeed Snippet). If Track Inventory is enabled and your inventory runs out, visitors will see a "Sold Out" message and they will not be able to buy a sold out product.
  • Inventory : an integer count of how many units you have on hand. This value will be automatically updated after purchases only when you have the Track Inventory setting enabled and when you have the updateInventory Snippet referenced as a callback in your parseFoxycartDatafeed Snippet call.
  • Alert Quantity : when inventory tracking is enabled (via the Track Inventory setting), an alert will be shown if and when a product's inventory hits this amount or less.
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