What's new since 1.7.1
This release includes the upgrade to UIKit 1.8, the addition of a 3-column layout, update to form elements, and the implementation of the Focal Point module.
The theme is now compatible with Drupal 11.
New Features
- Updated to the UIKit 1.8. @AlexSkrypnyk @joshua-salsadigital (#1246)(#1283)(#1275)
- Issue #3455319 by alex.skrypnyk: Add 3 column layout. @AlexSkrypnyk @joshua-salsadigital (#1242)(#1271)(#1277)
- Issue #3415665 by joshua1234511: Utilize Focal Point module @joshua-salsadigital (#1242)
- Issue #3457992 by alex.skrypnyk: Allow excluding provision types in civictheme_provision_cli(). @AlexSkrypnyk (#1281)
- Issue #3454548 by alex.skrypnyk, abhishek_gupta1, ivrh, thisisalistairsaccount: Automated list from Banner bottom components throws error. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1284)
- Issue #3457993 by alex.skrypnyk: Provisioning script does not re-use existing block UUIDs'. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1282)
- Issue #3444381 by RichardGaunt, alex.skrypnyk:
helper function does not process some common core field types. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1255) - Updated deps. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1251)
- Issue #3441713 by RichardGaunt: Layout error when another theme renders a node. @richardgaunt (#1243)
- Issue #3441209 by joshua1234511, sonnykt: Theme content provisioning creates invalid config views.view.civictheme_media @joshua-salsadigital (#1241)
- Fixed Active tab to be marked as such in Drupal. (#1253)
- Fixed schema config errors. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1246)
- Fixed rendering of view elements to use centralised rendering utlity. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1246)
- Added styles on the Layout Builder admin page. @joshua-salsadigital (#1256)
- Issue #3456933 by alex.skrypnyk: SVG icons do not load due to being SVG icons do not load due to being processed through image style. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1273)
- Updated Drupal 10.3 deprecations. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1254)
- Updated container images, core and GovCMS versions. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1245)
- Fixed coding standards. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1244)
- Updated Devtools to Drupal Extension Scaffold 1.9 @AlexSkrypnyk (#1279)
- Updated content profiles and fixed image styles. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1274)
🚨 Update notes:
Follow the update process described at https://docs.civictheme.io/update
For this release, regenerate the sub-theme manually from the starter kit and integrate your overrides into the new theme.
Full Changelog: 1.7.1...1.8.0
@AlexSkrypnyk, @joshua-salsadigital, @richardgaunt and Joshua Fernandes