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Releases: civictheme/monorepo-drupal


03 Dec 23:33
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What's new since 1.8.2

  • Issue #3475110 by joshua1234511, richardgaunt, sime, granticusiv: Illegal access to constants in shipshape on govcms @joshua-salsadigital (#1314)
  • Issue #3486893, #3478484, #3483064, #3415662, by joshua1234511, richardgaunt, fionamorrison23, febdao, gargsuchi, sonam.chaturvedi, mwjansen, alex.skrypnyk: Add opt-in for controlling what form elements are rendered via civictheme system. @richardgaunt (#1306)
  • [#380] Added navigation name to support aria-label for <nav> element @febdao (#1315)
  • Fixed multiple checkboxes mistakenly marked as required if a Field is marked as required. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1312)
  • Issue #3415664 by sime, joshua1234511, richardgaunt, alexskrypnyk, fionamorrison23: Contextual links are broken @joshua-salsadigital (#1311)
  • Added page level styles into Drupal theme. @alan-cole (#1308)
  • Issue #3476600: Adding a layout setting for controlling space around the layout. @alan-cole (#1305)
  • Issue #3476889 - Fixed useEffect only running on load due to blank deps. @alan-cole (#1309)
  • Added tbachert/spi to allow-plugins. @joshua-salsadigital (#1310)
  • Issue #3460512 by joshua1234511, richardgaunt, fionamorrison23, alexskrypnyk, alancole: Added ellipsis to truncated card summary. @joshua-salsadigital (#1307)

Full Changelog: 1.8.2...1.9.0

@AlexSkrypnyk, @alan-cole, @febdao, @joshua-salsadigital and @richardgaunt


30 Sep 08:44
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What's new since 1.8.1

Full Changelog: 1.8.1...1.9.0

@AlexSkrypnyk, @joshua-salsadigital and @richardgaunt


19 Jul 04:28
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What's new since 1.8.0

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1

@AlexSkrypnyk, @joshua-salsadigital and @kepol


01 Jul 08:35
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What's new since 1.7.1

This release includes the upgrade to UIKit 1.8, the addition of a 3-column layout, update to form elements, and the implementation of the Focal Point module.
The theme is now compatible with Drupal 11.

New Features


  • Issue #3454548 by alex.skrypnyk, abhishek_gupta1, ivrh, thisisalistairsaccount: Automated list from Banner bottom components throws error. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1284)
  • Issue #3457993 by alex.skrypnyk: Provisioning script does not re-use existing block UUIDs'. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1282)
  • Issue #3444381 by RichardGaunt, alex.skrypnyk: civictheme_get_field_value helper function does not process some common core field types. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1255)
  • Updated deps. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1251)
  • Issue #3441713 by RichardGaunt: Layout error when another theme renders a node. @richardgaunt (#1243)
  • Issue #3441209 by joshua1234511, sonnykt: Theme content provisioning creates invalid config views.view.civictheme_media @joshua-salsadigital (#1241)
  • Fixed Active tab to be marked as such in Drupal. (#1253)
  • Fixed schema config errors. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1246)
  • Fixed rendering of view elements to use centralised rendering utlity. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1246)
  • Added styles on the Layout Builder admin page. @joshua-salsadigital (#1256)
  • Issue #3456933 by alex.skrypnyk: SVG icons do not load due to being SVG icons do not load due to being processed through image style. @AlexSkrypnyk (#1273)


🚨 Update notes:

Follow the update process described at

For this release, regenerate the sub-theme manually from the starter kit and integrate your overrides into the new theme.

Full Changelog: 1.7.1...1.8.0

@AlexSkrypnyk, @joshua-salsadigital, @richardgaunt and Joshua Fernandes


14 Apr 20:22
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What's new since 1.7.0

Full Changelog: 1.7.0...1.7.1

@AlexSkrypnyk and @joshua-salsadigital


22 Mar 05:20
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What's new since 1.6.2

New home for UI Kit

Starting from this release, the UI Kit is managed independently in its own repository. All UI Kit issues are now tracked there.

The inclusion method of the UIKit in the Drupal theme has changed: package.json is used to specify the version or commit of the UIKit. The update ensures only necessary UI Kit files are committed.

Issues moved to

Drupal theme issue management has transitioned to, with commits syncing to the default branch on each time code is merged into the develop branch on GitHub. This integration maintains commit history and the credit system while supporting robust CI pipelines for various Drupal implementations.

While we will try to keep the versioning of the Figma and UIKit to be aligned with the CMS-specific implementations, like this Drupal theme, those implementation versions could deviate in their versions.

New Features



🚨 Update notes:

Follow the update process described at

For this release, regenerate the sub-theme manually from the starter kit and integrate your overrides into the new theme.

The "Quote" paragraph will be automatically removed after updates — ensure to re-export your site configuration.

Full Changelog: 1.6.2...1.7.0

@AlexSkrypnyk, @govindmaloo, @joshua-salsadigital, and Joshua Fernandes


19 Dec 08:50
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🧩 UI Kit

New features



  • Fixed UI Kit version in package.json.
  • Fixed Group filter rendering incorrectly on mobile. Filters now will stack vertically.
  • Added slots prop for Group Filter Storybook story.
  • Fixed Item Grid calculating columns classes incorrectly for when the number of items is greater than the number of columns.
  • Removed incorrect, CMS-only Editor content component. This functionality is implementation-specific and is now handled in CMS.
  • [CIVIC-1244] Added a11y fixes for mobile menu. (#1149)

💧 Drupal theme

New features

  • Issue #3409009 by alex.skrypnyk: Add summary settings for Snippet component. This allows to set the number of characters for the Snippet's component Sunmary field.
  • [CIVIC-1295] Added content components support for CKEditor. (#1156) 🚨 See update notes below.


  • Fixed double inclusion of assets during compilation. This was resulting if CSS styles applying in the incorrect order. 🚨 See update notes below.
  • Fixed Navigation card override example.
  • Removed CKEditor4 as a require dependency.
  • Updated CivicTheme dependencies versions to use the latest ones.
  • Added optional limit for the update helper. This allows to re-use the update helper with a set limit to avoid running of all updates in "lower" environments.
  • Issue #3404794 by Toby Wild, alex.skrypnyk: Documentation suggestions
  • [CIVIC-1521] Fixed issue #1147: catch InvalidArgumentException in civictheme_url_is_external() (#1167)
  • [CIVIC-1449] Fixed Automated list filters not being hidden when selected in UI. (#1157)


  • Updated copyright year in the example demo content.
  • Updated demo generated content list to use Snippet component.
  • Updated containers to 23.12.0.
  • Updated Drush 12 and Search API 1.31

🚨 Update notes:

Follow the update process described at

Additionally, if using a sub-theme:

  1. Copy file civictheme_starter_kit/assets/sass/theme.editor.scss to <yourtheme>/assets/sass/theme.editor.scss.
  2. Remove <yourtheme>/assets/sass/editor directory.
  3. Remove @import 'editor'; line from <yourtheme>/assets/sass/theme.scss.
  4. Replace in your sub-theme info file:
  - dist/styles.editor.css


  - dist/styles.editor.css
  - dist/styles.variables.css
  1. Copy file (overwrite) civictheme_starter_kit/webpack/editor_css.js to webpack/editor_css.js.
  2. Copy file (overwrite) civictheme_starter_kit/webpack/assets.js to webpack/assets.js.
  3. npm run build
  4. drush cr

Full Changelog: 1.6.1...1.6.2

Drupal 10.1, GovCMS 3 and strict typing

10 Nov 04:22
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This release is primarily focused on compatibility with Drupal 10.1, GovCMS 3 and strict typing.

🧩 UI Kit

New features


💧 Drupal theme

New features


🧨 Breaking changes:

This release introduces PHP strict typing.

This means that you will have to update your custom PHP code if you were using any of the CivicTheme functions. The updates only required for function arguments and return types.


Full Changelog: 1.5.3...1.6.0

Search, automated updates, fixes

03 Aug 04:40
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This release was primarily focused on addressing technical debt and enhancing the stability of the development platform.

We have also created a new documentation site

🧩 UI Kit

New features

  • Updated NodeJS version requirement to 18. Make sure to use nvm use to switch to the correct version when working on the theme.
  • Added Snippet component.


  • Fixed desktop primary navigation sub-menu items receive focus while visually hidden when tabbing through page links. (a11y)
  • Fixed List component's Storybook props not using random values.
  • Fixed Slider slide image position not being applied when it should appear right from the slide content.
  • Removed outdated whitespace/storybook-addon-html plugin from Storybook configuration. Consumer sites should do the same.

💧 Drupal theme

New features

  • Added SVG support for Logos. 🚀
  • Added new Snippet and Snippet reference paragraph components.
  • Added support for database search based on Search API. The results are displayed using Snippet component.
  • Added and ability for a user with Site Administrator role to update site slogan without having access to Basic site settings configuration page.
  • Added automated configuration schema and content updates system and updates for schema changes in previous CivicTheme versions. 🚀🚀🚀
  • Added tests for install with the following matrix (runs on every change in CI):
    • Drupal 9 and Drupal 10
    • fresh or previous versions
    • minimal and govcms profiles
    • with and without sub-theme


  • Updated dependencies to be contained and fixed the namespace. 🚀
  • Fixed non-expanded menu item becomes expanded when active.
  • Fixed form element showing error on empty value.

🧨 Breaking changes:

Starting from this version, CivicTheme provides automated content updates for any schema changes.
This means that when the new version of CivicTheme is deployed, the content will be automatically updated to match the new schema.

Note that you must run this locally first to ensure that the update is successful.

  • Renamed Banner Blend mode field for nodes and blocks (an automated update is provided):
    • field_c_n_blend_mode -> field_c_n_banner_blend_mode
    • field_c_b_blend_mode -> field_c_b_banner_blend_mode


  • Added GH action to send newly opened issues and comments to JIRA. This allows to keep the project truly open-source while still using JIRA for internal project management.
  • Moved to direct publishing from this monorepo to all repositories on every change to develop branch.
    Previously, only publishing on release. This allows to use development versions in code.
  • Enabled config linting in CI.
    This makes sure that all configuration shipped with the Drupal theme is consistent with the required dependencies.
  • Added support for building with and without optional Drupal modules (like Search API) that CivicTheme provides optional configuration for, but not depends on.
  • Added example composer.json for Drupal 10 consumer sites to use as a scaffold.
  • Removed in-code docs after they being moved to external docs site

A11y and link extraction fixes

06 Apr 04:24
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  • Fixed [DEFECT] A11y: Invalid extra double quotes on side navigation aria-expanded attribute (#1047)
  • Fixed [DEFECT] Email links not converting correctly (#963)
  • Added [FEATURE] Opt-out system for features (currently includes only links and emails in links) which makes it possible to disable CivicTheme's features from UI without code changes. (#1054)
