Bug fixes for dispensers, opening inventories, Vault
Thank @DuneSciFye for his issue. I'm sorry for long fixing time, I have school exams and some other personal things to solve. This release fixes errors found thanks to mentioned man. He found problems with dispensers. I used a script for measuring distance of player and block from StackOverflow which wasn't too good for my implementation and in some use cases it causes errors. The second problem was related to using dispenser by offline players and players far away from it. I forgot to think about it more deeply, so there were some unsolved things. Besides, I found a bug with permissions around bypasses (more details are in issue) and a bug in water placing. The player simply couldn't open any container using bucket or water bucket.
Some permission problems is solved by adding Vault support. It's only soft dependency (optional) but I recommend to use it. It adds support for checking permissions of offline players and solves problems with bypass permissions.
Bug fixes: