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Patch Subject: PPMS PIE SUPPORT Description: ============ XU*8.0*691 and XU*8.0*705 are the required builds for patch XU*8.0*711. The following enhancements exported in this patch are in support of the Provider Profile Management System (PPMS) / Provider Integration Engine (PIE) updates for Mission Act that the Master Veteran Index (MVI) team has been requested to implement. These enhancements listed below work with the MVI changes that have been exported in patch MPI*1.0*130. Enhancement #1 The existing Remote Procedure Call (RPC) [XUS MVI NEW PERSON GET] and its corresponding routine XUMVINPU have been modified to support the additional search requests by National Provider Identifier (NPI) or Social Security Number (SSN) within the NEW PERSON (#200) file. Furthermore, the following data associated with the additional fields listed below will be transmitted from the NEW PERSON (#200) file to MVI for the requested record: - STREET ADDRESS 2 .112 - STREET ADDRESS 3 .113 - CITY .114 - STATE .115 - ZIP CODE .116 - FAX NUMBER .136 - SEX 4 - TITLE 8 - NPI 41.99 - KEYS 51 - PERSON CLASS 8932.1 - PERSON CLASS .01 - EFFECTIVE DATE 2 - EXPIRATION DATE 3 - AUTHORIZED TO WRITE MED ORDERS 53.1 - DETOX/MAINTENANCE ID NUMBER 53.11 - DEA# 53.2 - INACTIVE DATE 53.4 - PROVIDER CLASS 53.5 - PROVIDER TYPE 53.6 - REMARKS 53.9 - NON-VA PRESCRIBER 53.91 - TAX ID 53.92 - SCHEDULE II NARCOTIC 55.1 - SCHEDULE II NON-NARCOTIC 55.2 - SCHEDULE III NARCOTIC 55.3 - SCHEDULE III NON-NARCOTIC 55.4 - SCHEDULE IV 55.5 - SCHEDULE V 55.6 - DEA EXPIRATION DATE 747.44 ** The following NEW fields will ONLY be returned if patch XU*8.0*688 has been installed. ** - NEW DEA #'S 53.21 [200.5321] - DEA NUMBER .01 - INDIVIDUAL DEA SUFFIX .02 - DETOX CALCULATED 9001 ** The following fields from the DEA NUMBERS (#8991.9) file will ONLY be returned if a DEA NUMBER (53.21) entry has been defined. ** - BUSINESS ACTIVITY CODE .02 - DETOX NUMBER .03 - EXPIRATION DATE .04 - USE FOR INPATIENT ORDERS .06 - TYPE .07 - NAME (PROVIDER OR INSTITUTION) 1.1 - STREET ADDRESS 1 1.2 - STREET ADDRESS 2 1.3 - STREET ADDRESS 3 1.4 - CITY 1.5 - STATE 1.6 - ZIP CODE 1.7 - SCHEDULE II NARCOTIC? 2.1 - SCHEDULE II NON-NARCOTIC? 2.2 - SCHEDULE III NARCOTIC? 2.3 - SCHEDULE III NON-NARCOTIC? 2.4 - SCHEDULE IV? 2.5 - SCHEDULE V? 2.6 - LAST UPDATED BY 10.1 - LAST UPDATE DATE/TIME 10.2 - LAST DOJ UPDATE DATE/TIME 10.3 Enhancement #2 The existing RPC [XUS MVI NEW PERSON UPDATE] and corresponding routine XUMVINPU have been modified to allow the following additional fields to be updated by MVI in the NEW PERSON File (#200) for a specific DUZ: - EMAIL ADDRESS (#.151) - NETWORK USERNAME (#501.1) Enhancement #3 A new RPC [XUS MVI ENRICH NEW PERSON] along with the corresponding routines XUMVIENU and XUMVINPA were created to give MVI the ability to 'Add' and/or 'Update' a NEW PERSON (#200) file entry in support of PPMS/PIE in VistA. This RPC 'REQUIRES' the following two parameters: - XUARR - An array containing the new values for the specific fields to 'ADD' or 'UPDATE' the record in the NEW PERSON (#200) file with. Required Elements: ("WHO") : Station Number of requesting station ("NPI") : National Provider Identifier ("NAME") : Surname | First | Middle | Suffix | Full **NOTE: 'NAME' Required only when XUFLAG is 'A'.** Optional Elements (Only pass if update required): ("ADDRESS DATA") : Address values consisting of the following delimited information - Street Address 1 | Street Address 2 | Street Address 3 | City | State | Zip | Office Phone | Fax Number ("SubjectOrgan") : Subject Organization *Defaults to 'Department Of Veterans Affairs' ("SubjectOrganID") : Subject Organization Id *Defaults to 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.349' ("ADUPN") : Identity and Access Management (IAM) Active Directory User Principle Name ("AuthWriteMedOrders") : YES (1) or NO (0) *Defaults to YES (1) if ("WHO") is 200PIEV and ("DEA",<seq#>,"DEA") is transmitted. ("DEA",<seq#>, : Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Info (*Multiple Entries Allowed) "DEA") : DEA Number "Detox") : Substance Abuse Provider Detox/Maintenance ID # "DEAExpire") : DEA Number Expiration Date (*Can be a future date.) "SchedIINarc") : YES (1) or NO (0) "SchedIINonNarc") : YES (1) or NO (0) "SchedIIINarc") : YES (1) or NO (0) "SchedIIINonNarc"): YES (1) or NO (0) "SchedIV") : YES (1) or NO (0) "SchedV") : YES (1) or NO (0) ("DEGREE") : Individual's Degree codes separated by a space ("EMAIL") : Email Address ("GENDER") : Male of Female ("Inactivate") : Date Access Inactivated (*Can be a future date.) ("NonVAPrescriber") : YES (1) or NO (0) *Defaults to YES (1) if ("WHO") is 200PIEV. ("NTUSERNAME") : Network User Name ("PersonClass",<seq#>, : Person Class Info (*Multiple Entries Allowed) "PersonClass") : X12 Code Value "PersonClassActive") : Date Class Activated *Defaults to TODAY if NOT currently active. "PersonClassExpire") : Date Class De-Activated ("ProviderClass") : PROVIDER CLASS (#7) file record value ("ProviderType") : Provider Type Code | Provider Type Value ("Remarks") : Provider Remarks *Defaults to 'NON-VA PROVIDER' if ("WHO") is 200PIEV ("SECID") : IAM Security ID ("TaxID") : Tax ID of the Non-VA Physician's Private Clinic ("Termination") : Date Access Terminated (*Can NOT be a future date.) ("Title") : Person's Title *Defaults to 'NON-VA PROVIDER' if ("WHO") is 200PIEV ("UniqueUserID") : IAM's Unique User Id - XUFLAG - "A" : RPC is being called to 'ADD' a record to the NEW PERSON (#200) file. "U" : RPC is being called to 'UPDATE' an existing record in the NEW PERSON (#200) file. Finally, the RPC will return one of the following values to MVI upon execution completion: - DUZ : No issues adding and/or editing an entry. - DUZ^-1^Error Message : Issue occurred editing an entry where some data was invalid and could NOT be filed. - -1^Error Message : Required data NOT passed, entry could NOT be added (Flag="A") or entry could NOT be found to be updated (Flag="U"). Enhancement #4 The business office has requested that the [XUS MVI NEW PERSON DATA] RPC which returns calculated data analysis from the NEW PERSON (#200) file be enhanced to ensure that for a NEW PERSON (#200) record to be determined 'Active' that the record must also have a PRIMARY MENU OPTION (Field #201) assigned. Therefore, the associated routine XUMVIDTA has been modified to include this additional check of ensuring that a NEW PERSON (#200) record has a PRIMARY MENU OPTION (#201) when determining if that user's record is considered 'Active'. Patch Components ================ Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- N/A Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- N/A Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Remote Procedures Associated: Remote Procedure Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------------- -------------------- XUS MVI ENRICH NEW PERSON NEW XUS MVI NEW PERSON GET MODIFIED XUS MVI NEW PERSON UPDATE MODIFIED Parameter Definitions Associated: Parameter Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------------------- -------------------- N/A Additional Information: Blood Bank Team Coordination ---------------------------- EFFECT ON BLOOD BANK FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Patch XU*8.0*711 contains changes to a package referenced in ProPath standard titled: BBM Team Review of VistA Patches. This patch does not alter or modify any VistA Blood Bank software design safeguards or safety critical elements functions. RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch XU*8.0*711 have no adverse effect on Blood Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none. New Service Requests (NSRs) ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs) ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview ------------------------------------------- N/A Patch Installation: Pre/Post Installation Overview ------------------------------ There are no pre/post installation routines in this patch. Use default answers for KIDS load/install questions. Patch-Files:
- Loading branch information