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Patch Subject: EDIT DEACTIVATE BULLETIN Description: ============ Patch XU*8*693 will provide the following edits in the area of Mailman Bulletins that are related to user access. In essence, this patch will provide four updates: 1) Edits to the existing XUSERDEAC Mailman Bulletin - This patch will add three fields to the Bulletin message - The Station Name, the Station Number, and the DUZ / IEN (#200) of the User whose access is being deactivated. 2) The creation of a new XUSERDIS Bulletin for "DISUSERed" users - setting the DISUSER field to 'Yes' for a user will trigger this Bulletin. Data fields displayed will be the same as the XUSERDEAC Mailman Bulletin. 3) The creation of a new Mailgroup ISO SECURITY for receiving both of these Bulletins. 4) New cross reference on the DISUSER (#7) field on the NEW PERSON (#200): CROSS-REFERENCE: 200^AL^MUMPS 1)= D SEND1^XUSTERM1(DA,X) 2)= Q This cross reference sends a message to an Authority group when the DISUSER status of a user is set to 'YES'. Patch Components: ----------------- Files & Fields Associated: File Name (Number) Field Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------------ ------------------- -------------------- NEW PERSON (#200) DISUSER (#7) Modified Forms Associated: Form Name File # New/Modified/Deleted --------- ------ -------------------- N/A Mail Groups Associated: Mail Group Name New/Modified/Deleted --------------- -------------------- ISO SECURITY New Options Associated: Option Name Type New/Modified/Deleted ----------- ---- -------------------- N/A Protocols Associated: Protocol Name New/Modified/Deleted ------------- -------------------- N/A Security Keys Associated: Security Key Name ----------------- N/A Templates Associated: Template Name Type File Name (Number) New/Modified/Deleted ------------- ---- ------------------ -------------------- N/A Additional Information: XUSERDEA BULLETIN Modified XUSERDIS BULLETIN New New Service Requests (NSRs): ---------------------------- N/A Patient Safety Issues (PSIs): ----------------------------- N/A Defect Tracking System Ticket(s) & Overview: -------------------------------------------- Email request. Problem: -------- The Information Security Officers request to be informed whenever a user is deactivated or disusered from a VistA system. Resolution: ----------- The XUSERDEAC Mailman Bulletin is generated when the Automatic Deactivation of Users [XUAUTODEACTIVATE] option is used, and is sent to the Mailgroup designated in the Bulletin's parameters. The Automatic Deactivation of Users option is tasked to run daily via Taskman. The new XUSERDIS Mailman Bulletin will be sent to the designated mailgroup when the DISUSER field in the New Person (#200) File is set to 'Yes' for a particular user. Setting this field to 'Yes' will only disable the user's ability to log on to the VistA system. It will leave all Menus, Security Keys and other attributes intact. Enhancements: 1. Additions to the XUSERDEAC Bulletin information display: a. Add the DUZ / IEN of the User whose access is being deactivated to the Bulletin. b. Add the Station Number and Station Name to the Bulletin. c. A mockup of the updated XUSERDEAC Bulletin is included below: Subj: XUSER DEACTIVATION [#55995] 03/15/18@09:48 8 lines From:LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME In 'IN' basket. Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- User name : LAST,FIRST C Title : DEVELOPER Service : VHIT Field Office IEN : 1039 Station # : 662 SAN FRANCISCO was deactivated on Mar 15, 2018. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// 2. Creation of a new XUSERDIS Bulletin: a. Due to the need to differentiate between DISUSERed and Deactivated users, a new XUSERDIS Bulletin will be created. Setting the DISUSER field to 'Yes' for a user will trigger this Bulletin. As mentioned before, setting this field to 'Yes' will only disable the user's ability to log on to the VistA system. It will leave all Menus, Security Keys and other attributes intact. b. Data fields displayed will be the same as the XUSERDEAC Mailman Bulletin. c. A mockup of the XUSERDIS Bulletin is included below: Subj: USER DISUSERED [#306499] 02/26/18@16:46 1 line From: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME (VHA OCC) In 'IN' basket. Page 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- User name : LAST,TEST C Title : DEVELOPER Service : VHIT Field Office IEN : 1039 Station # : 662 SAN FRANCISCO was DISUSERED on Apr 05, 2018. Enter message action (in IN basket): Ignore// 3. Add a new Mailgroup, and set that as the recipient Mailgroup for the XUSERDEAC and the XUSERDIS Mailman bulletins. a. Create a new Mailman mailgroup called ISO SECURITY as part of the patch install process. Information Security Officers (ISOs) and their alternates will be instructed to request membership in the Mailgroup at their facility. b. The post routine XU8P693 adds the ISO SECURITY Mailgroup as a recipient of the XUSERDEAC and the XUSERDIS Mailman bulletins. Shown below is a screen capture of the Bulletin edit option; the field for designating the Mailgroup is highlighted. Select Group/Distribution Management <TEST ACCOUNT> Option: Bulletin edit Select BULLETIN NAME: XUSERDEAC NAME: XUSERDEAC// SUBJECT: XUSER DEACTIVATION// Select MAIL GROUP: ISO SECURITY// RETENTION DAYS: DESCRIPTION: This bulletin will be sent to an assigned mail Group when a user gets deactivated. EDIT Option: MESSAGE: User name : |1| Title : |2| Service : |3| IEN : |4| Station # : |5| was deactivated on |6|. EDIT Option: Select PARAMETER: 4// DESCRIPTION: Date of user gets deactivated. EDIT Option: Select PARAMETER: PRIORITY?: 4) New cross reference on the DISUSER (#7) field on the NEW PERSON (#200): CROSS-REFERENCE: 200^AL^MUMPS 1)= D SEND1^XUSTERM1(DA,X) 2)= Q This cross reference sends a message to an Authority group when the DISUSER status of a user is set to 'YES'. Test Sites: ----------- - NORTH FLORIDA/SOUTH GEORGIA HCS - TAMPA, FL HCS Software and Documentation Retrieval Instructions: ---------------------------------------------------- The software for this patch is being released as a KIDS Build. There's no updated Documentation being released with this patch. Blood Bank Team Coordination ============================ Blood Bank Clearance: 05/01/2018 EFFECT ON BLOOD BANK FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Patch XU*8*693 contains changes to a package referenced in VHA OI SEPG SOP 192-023 Review of VISTA Patches for Effects on VISTA Blood Bank Software. This patch does not alter or modify any VistA Blood Bank software design safeguards or safety critical elements functions. RISK ANALYSIS: Changes made by patch XU*8*693 have no effect on Blood Bank software functionality, therefore RISK is none. Pre/Post Installation Overview: ------------------------------- The post-routine XU8P693 will be automatically deleted after the installation completion. You may use the option [Verify Checksums in Transport Global] to verify the checksum if you wish. Use default answers for KIDS load/install questions. Patch-Files:
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