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Downloading the SDK for Windows

Bethany edited this page Oct 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Downloading the SDK for Windows

Now that prerequisites are complete, refer to Figure 32 and download the sensor SDK:

  1. Navigate to the GitHub QuanergySystems/quanergy_client page, which includes an upper list of sample source code packages and a lower list of OS-specific Build Instruction links.

  2. Click the green Clone or download button to download the source code to the Local Disk (C:) drive.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, select the Download Zip button.

Figure 32. GitHub quanergy_client Source Code

  1. Navigate to the computer’s Downloads folder where the quanergy_client-master zip file has been saved.

  2. Extract the source code as follows:

  • Right-click the zipped file, then select Extract All from the menu that pops up.
  • In the browser window that appears, navigate to the Local Disk (C:) drive.
  • Click the Select Folder button.
  • Click the Extract button.
  1. Navigate to the Local Disk (C:) drive, and open the extracted folder: C:\Quanergy_client-master\

  2. In that folder (Figure 33), right-click or press Ctrl+Shift+N, then select the menu items to make a new folder.

  3. At the highlighted text, type a name for the empty folder, which must be called Build (Figure 33).

Figure 33. SDK quanergy_client Build Path

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