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GSoC: Guide

Kunal Tyagi edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 4 revisions

Please read the relevant official guides to ease your journey.


For contributors interested in PCL:

  • Please announce yourself and your interest in PCL at the discord channel
  • Please have a draft proposal ready in the format of a git-repo/google doc to facilitate discussion
    • During the selection and submission phase, mentors often communicate with the candidates on the proposal merits/feasibility
    • Having a format where adding comments in-line with content is easy makes this communication quick and easy
    • Proposals not in a google doc or git will not be entertained
  • Based on your interests, you will be assigned a small task to evaluate your skills.
    • You can also get started on a task of your choice taken from the list of good first issues
    • Please comment in the issue when you start working on it, so that multiple people aren't working on the same thing
    • Please work on one issue at a time


For those interested in becoming mentors:

  • Please note that mentoring and co-mentoring can take a lot of effort from your side (from 10 hours a week or 1 hour a week depending on the project, the student, the problems, etc.)
  • Please announce yourself and participate in discussions at the discord channel
  • Feel free to PM existing maintainers/mentors
  • "Teaming up" as co-mentors is an option if you feel you will not be able to be the sole mentor on a project. For projects with existing mentor(s), it is upto them to accept/reject a co-mentor



Alphabetic list of current maintainers (2022):

  • kunaltyagi
  • larshg
  • mvieth

Idea List

The past and present idea list is available here