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Markus Vieth edited this page Nov 19, 2022 · 5 revisions

FAQ Devel

Q: How to fix "Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.doxylink.doxylink" error?

~/src/pcl-trunk/doc/tutorials$ make rm -rf html /tmp/doctrees sphinx-build -b html -a -d /tmp/doctrees content html Making output directory... Running Sphinx v1.0.1

Extension error: Could not import extension sphinxcontrib.doxylink.doxylink (exception: No module named sphinxcontrib.doxylink.doxylink) make: *** [html] Error 1

A: $ sudo easy_install -U sphinxcontrib-doxylink

(if you get an: error: command easy_install not found, do this: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools*)

(Quick note: If the problem persists, sphinx may be using a version of python for which doxylink is not installed - to find out which sphinx-build binary is being used, use ccmake and enter the advanced mode and look for SPHINX_EXECUTABLE. If you look at the top of that executable you can see which version of Python it is using)

Q : Code builds on linux and mac and not on windows and gives errors with template arguments.

Line : void convolve (PointCloud &output); Errors : C:/BuildAgent/work/30b7299afa31c293/2d/include\pcl/2d/convolution.h(129, 0): error C2143: syntax error : missing ')' before '<' C:/BuildAgent/work/30b7299afa31c293/2d/include\pcl/2d/convolution.h(129, 0): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<'

A : Using pcl::PointCloud instead of PointCloud solved the problem for me.

PCL Libraries structure


  • Dependency graph generation requires a dot file generated while building the project with CMake:

    mkdir build && cd build && cmake {pcl_source_path}

    For more information, see Compiling

  • PCL's dependency graph can be generated via:

    cd build && convert pcl_dependency_graph.png

    Dependency Graph

  • To generate one without the transitive dependencies, for a cleaner output, use:

    cd build && tred | dot -T png > pcl_dependency_graph_nontransitive.png

    Dependency Graph non-transitive

Writing PCL exceptions

All the PCL exceptions should inherit from pcl::PCLException class. This is an example class PCL_EXPORTS MyException : PCLException { MyException (const std::string& error_description, const std::string& file_name = "", const std::string& function_name = "", unsigned line_number = 0) throw () : pcl::PCLException (error_description, file_name, function_name, line_number) { } }

Building PCL with CUDA (gcc > 4.4)

  • Modify your nvvc.profile file (usually in /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvvc.profile) and add the following line at the top: compiler-bindir = /home/[user]/sbin/gcc-4.4 to tell NVVC to use gcc-4.4 to compile CUDA code. /home/[user]/sbin/gcc-4.4 should contain links to 4.4 version of gcc/g++ like this:
 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user 1001 16 2011-07-01 16:12 c++ -> /usr/bin/g++-4.4
 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user 1001 16 2011-06-16 12:59 g++ -> /usr/bin/g++-4.4
 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 user 1001 16 2011-06-16 12:59 gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc-4.4

Locale support

For completing the test_io unit tests, you need to install language-support-de, i.e.:

apt-get install language-support-de


apt-get install language-pack-de

How to make a release

This is an outdated guide, see the "Preparing Releases" page instead

  • make sure you update the PCL_VERSION variable in the CMakeLists.txt of the branch that you're trying to release from
  • make sure all the unit tests pass for all platforms (check and set up custom tests)
  • write up the Changelist to
  • tag the release in svn, e.g.:
git tag <tagname>
  • send an e-mail to the list (pcl-users and pcl-developers)
  • post a news announcement on