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Releases: ParkinsonLab/MetaPro

3.0.1 - GA memory footprint limiter

24 May 19:35
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Added a new dynamic job limiter for GA:

  • removes the need to calibrate concurrent instances of BWA/BLAT/DMD
  • automatically restrains the number of concurrent GA instances based on footprint and total system memory to prevent crash.
  • new option in config[Settings]: BWA/BLAT/DMD_mem_footprint

3.0.0: GA-pre-scan

17 Apr 20:18
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replaced kaiju with kraken2
new GA-pre-scan stage
putative reads will now be scanned by centrifuge + kraken2 to determine likely taxa in sample
MetaPro will now craft a custom subset of ChocoPhlAn to speed up GA (BWA+BLAT) steps
ability to rename stages
ability to change the name of the bypass log
debug_stop_flag to stop MetaPro at a specific stage

output_per_read_score now writes to bypass log

2.1.1: DETECT temp naming issue

27 Jan 17:47
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critical bugfix:
-> DETECT temp export name too long.
-> new name handler. (and unique header-ID-maker)
-> Handles choco h3 names

minor bugfix:
-> removed artifact from default Java path in
-> removed unused paths in

2.1.0: PRIAM-changes

06 Dec 19:08
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-> new protein split function for PRIAM throughput
-> -> split proteins
-> -> re-tooled PRIAM launcher for split-proteins
-> -> new merge step for PRIAM
-> -> rerouted ec_post to take in merged PRIAM output

-> patched the EC_priam time reporting
-> patched the "missing". now points to v3
-> removed --cg in PRIAM arguments

2.0.5: hotswap of scripts.

11 Nov 06:23
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new features:
-> ability to adjust internal scripts with the config

-> refactored metapro_paths (cleanup + hotswapping script versions)
-> new ga_blat_generic that doesn't rely on seqIO.index

assembly_bypass patch

26 Oct 17:15
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Fixed bug that caused the pipeline to not write "assemble_contigs" in the bypass log on successful run

2.0.3: single-file DB handling

07 Oct 21:04
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Added checks for single-file Database.
Added a bypasser for GA_BWA_merge so that single-file DB skips this (it's not used. nothing to merge).


30 Sep 04:28
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-> streamlined top-level to be more modular / easier to insert new stages
-> re-using new modules for single-shot + tutorial mode

-> cleaned up DNA_db line so there's only 1
-> added DB status checks

-> wait issue with GA final merge proteins
-> support for DNA_DB path optionally ending in '/'
-> MGM license check
-> bypasser for contig formation in small datasets.