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@VanyaBelyaev VanyaBelyaev released this 26 Apr 17:03
· 1100 commits to master since this release


New features:

  1. add new example on making p-value scan (thanks to Dima Golubkov)
  2. Fix FrequentistsCalcualtor and HybridCalculator to use cloned datasets. (They can destriy/corrupt input dataset). Clone ddatatsets are deleted after usage
  3. simplify interface for P0Plot.fill
  4. ostap.utils.utils : add CRange and crange - helper utilities to generate range of values between vmin and vmax according to Chebyshev nodes
  5. add z1,z2 variables (and corresponding transformations) for Ostap::Kinematics::Dalitz0/Dalitz classes
  6. add functionality to generate (weighted) x1/x2 and z1/z2 distributions for Dalitz configurations
  7. add s2x and s2z methods for Ostap::Kinematics::Dalitz0/Dalitz classes for better unificaton of interfaces
  8. add more tests for Dalitz< in parituclar (s1,s2)<->(z1,z2) mapping

Backward incompatible:

  1. remove use_onesided argument from AsymptoticCalculator constructor

Bug fixes: