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Releases: OstapHEP/ostap


05 Dec 16:15
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New features

  1. Add Logarithmic integral functions
  2. Add Exponental integral functions
  3. Add Sine and Cosine integral functions
  4. Add missing Ostap::Math::LegendreSum[X]::integral methods

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix a typo in (thanks to Dima Pereima!)


03 Dec 07:55
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New features

  1. add parallelisation to GoF1DToys
  2. add style=None or style='' argument for many table-methods
  3. add empirical cumulative functions for weighted data
  4. suppress CloneData argument for NLL creation for 6.28<=ROOT
  5. change default silent=True to silent=False for graph_profile
  6. modify a bit treatment of residual= and pull= in PDF.draw
  7. a fix for test_fitting_datasets and tets_fitting_selectors
  8. add Ostap.MoreRooFit.Rank
  9. make (de)serialization of GoF1D objects more robust
  10. tweak for RooRealVar.__reduce__
  11. add clipping for GoF1D/GoF1DToys

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. tiny fix for constraint/constraints argument
  2. tiny fix for ZA-gof method


20 Nov 08:28
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New features

  1. add RooDataSet -> TTree transformation
  2. add generalized Beta' distribution
  3. add isfinite method for SE & WSE counters
  4. data_statistics : add the check for the finite counters
  5. add isfinite method for matrices and vectors
  6. add isfinite method for (W)Covariance objects
  7. add Ostap::MoreRooFit::Hypot and var_hypot
  8. add Fizher's Z-distribution
  9. explicitely delete all created styles, see here
  10. add missing methods for Ostap::Math::Bessel
  11. fix occasional overflows in
  12. add new variant of toys using generic actions

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix ostap-check-dependencies
  2. fix bug in Ostap::Math::Benini


28 Oct 16:50
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New features

  1. add more methods to Ostap::Math::ECDF to get the ranking
  2. optimise Ostap::Math::ECDF and skip sorting when possible
  3. add to make Two Sampel Tests
  4. add the test for Two Sample Test
  5. reduce code duplication between GoF-1D and Two-Sample Tests
  6. Add Anderson-Darling and Cramer-von-Mises Two Sample Tests
  7. Add progress bar to methdos dealing with unique/duplicated entries in dataset
  8. Add Hilbert transform
  9. Add Laplace transform

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes


13 Oct 14:32
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New features

  1. Add operator+ for Ostap::Math.ECDF
  2. Add correlation coefficient to Ostap::Math::pow function
  3. Slight improvements in convolution for fitting
  4. Add the first Goodness-of-Fit method for multidimensional case
  5. Add test for Goddness-of-Fit method for multidimensional case
  6. Add very simple "efficiency-counter" ostap.stats.counters.EffCounter
  7. suppress ostap.core.config.config_goodby prints for non-interactive sessions
  8. add the most primitive splitter ostap.utils.utils.splitter
  9. modify point-to-point-dissimilarity GoF method: split into chubnks for large datasets, use parallel processing for permutations
  10. add keyword arguments to WorkManager.iexecute method
  11. add an option to run parallel permutations using WorkManager parallelisation instead of joblib
  12. extend Point-to-Point Dissimilarity GoF test for 1D case
  13. extend 1D GoF test to include Point-to-Point Dissimilarity GoF test
  14. add argument description to WorkManager.iexecute methods
  15. add parallelisaiton for GoF permutations and toys
  16. implement tests for USTAT & DNN
  17. prepend the default progress-bar for trees/datasets/frames with Entries:
  18. add a kind of replacement of ROOT.RooAbsCollection.assign for old versions of ROOT
  19. add meaningful description argument to all progress_bar instance
  20. extend gof1d and gofnd tests
  21. Add RooAddPdf::fixCoefNormalization( vars ) for all appearences of RooAddPdf
  22. Add (fictive) context mnager protocol to WorkManagers

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix the bug in Ostap::UStat


23 Sep 09:57
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New features

  1. Add cuts and cut_range argumenst for ds2numpy function
  2. Add empirical cumulative distribtion function Ostap::Math::ECDF
  3. Add cuts and cut_range arguments for ds2numpy method
  4. Add method to RooDataSet to get empirical cumulative distrivution functions
  5. Add PDF1.cdf method to get CDF from 1D-PDF
  6. Add new module ostap.stats.gof_1d for goodness-of-fit for 1D
  7. Add new test test_stats+_gof1d for goodness-of-fit for 1D
  8. ostap.math.math_ve : add significace, nsigmas & nsigma functions to calcualte significabce from p-values
  9. Make use of ostap.math.math_ve.significane function
  10. Rename gof_1d to gof1d
  11. Add method weight to Ostap::PyIterator to access th weigth of the current event
  12. add weight to tree.withCut and other tree-looping methods
  13. Tiny tweak for treatment of drawing ranges for f1_draw/f2_draw/f3_draw fnuctions: form now the explicit setting has a precedence.
  14. ostap.stats.gof1d : improve drawing methods
  15. Add Kuiper's Goodness-of-Fit estimator to ostap.stats.gof1d
  16. Add values iterator firnctoonfor all hjistogram classes to iterate over th ebin values
  17. Add methods table and summaary for 1D-histogram to dump a sumaary of the histogram in the table form
  18. Add methdod all_positive, all_negative , all_nonpositive, all_nonnegative and all_zero for hisgoragm clases to check if
    all bins are positive/negative/non-positive/non-begrtaive/zero.
  19. Add methods table and summmary for 2D&3D-hisograms

Backward incompatible

  1. add weight to tree.withCut and other tree-looping methods

Bug fixes

  1. fix typo in ostap.math.bnase.axis_range


16 Sep 10:10
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New features

  1. some updtae for catcing warnins
  2. ROOT warnings -> Python warning now used RuntimeWarning
  3. add new test test_math_convolution
  4. add filter='data' argument for tarfile (TMVA&Chopping)
  5. set cmake_policy to fic nuilding for virtual environemnts (conda)
  6. more improvements and fixes for module
  7. add test for availabe DB backends
  8. improve ostap.histos.histos.book_histo and make use of it in fitting

Backward incompatible

  1. From now PDF3.fitTo always returns the tuple of (fit-result, frame) or (fit-result,None) to be coherent with all other fitTo methods.

Bug fixes


06 Sep 13:05
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New features

  1. Further improvemets for nice printout of linear algebra objects
  2. Add lnorm and mnorm methods for matrices to get L-norm and max-norm
  3. Add gdiagonal method to get diagonal matrice
  4. Add abs method for SVectors
  5. Improve Linear Algebra tests
  6. Improve the machinery for eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  7. Add possibility to avoid coloring of the header row in the tables
  8. Add protection for double cpoulmn (::) for the expression strings
  9. Resurrect and improve ostap.stats.corr2d module with simple 2D-decorrelation utility
  10. Make use of terminaltables3 instead of terminaltables where/when possible
  11. Add new method TH1.min_positive to get minimal positive entry (or negative infinity).
  12. make a try to relace distutilts to sysconfig in CMakeList.txt
  13. some reshuffling of CMakeList.txt - make it a bit more readable
  14. ostap.math.base : switch for C++ version of frext10 (better treatment of almost-zero-numbers
  15. test_*_toys : make use of new TH1.mini_positive method

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. Fix tiny bug in histo_book
  2. Fix tiny bug in printout of linear algebra objects


03 Sep 13:57
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New features

  1. improve all toys machinery: toys, jackknife, bootstrapping and significance
  2. extend all tests for toys
  3. add brute-force way to delete RooDataSet - needed for JAckknife and Bootstrap
  4. add argument delete=False for dataset.bootstrap and dataset.jackknife method to delete the dataset
  5. add new test to test interference of memory and jackknife/bootstraping
  6. extend and improve machinery for toys
  7. add std.string and std.string_view into string_types
  8. improve attention printout from dataset/tree method project

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix the typo in ostap/tools/tests/
  2. tiny fix for progress_bar
  3. tiny fix for ostap.utils.basic.isatty


28 Aug 10:16
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New features

  1. improve pretty-print for matrices
  2. add pretty_array function for nice print of arrays/sequences
  3. add some auxillary methods for matrices: (min/max/minabs/maxabs)_element and (min/max)_diagonal and (min/max/minabs/maxabs)_element_index
  4. improve printout of SVectorwithError
  5. add pos_error/neg_error/errors properteis to Ostap::Math::ValueWithError object `
  6. add column @limit? for printput of RooFitResult object to shwo the distance to the limits (if any). Distanc eof <3sigma, an d<5 sigma ar ecolored. Distances > 10sigma are omitted.

Backward incompatible

Bug fixes

  1. fix the typo in Ostap/MatrixUtilsT.h
  2. fix ostap.utils.basic.mtime