Lithuanian treebank annotated manually (dependencies) using the Morphological Annotator by CCL, Vytautas Magnus University ( and manual disambiguation. A pilot version which includes news and an essay by Tomas Venclova is available here.
- 2018-04-15 v2.2
- Repository renamed from UD_Lithuanian to UD_Lithuanian-HSE.
- 2017-11-15 v2.1
- No changes.
- 2017-03-01 v2.0
- Initial UD release.
Tree count: 263 Word count: 5356 Token count: 5356 Dep. relations: 37 of which 5 language specific POS tags: 16 Category=value feature pairs: 43
The treebank was split into training (60%), testing (20%), and development (20%) sets.
training set:
Tree count: 153 Word count: 3210 Token count: 3210 Dep. relations: 36 of which 5 language specific POS tags: 16 Category=value feature pairs: 43
dev set:
Tree count: 55 Word count: 1086 Token count: 1086 Dep. relations: 33 of which 5 language specific POS tags: 16 Category=value feature pairs: 40
test set:
Tree count: 55 Word count: 1060 Token count: 1060 Dep. relations: 32 of which 3 language specific POS tags: 16 Category=value feature pairs: 39
=== Machine-readable metadata (DO NOT REMOVE!) ================================ Data available since: UD v2.0 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Includes text: yes Genre: nonfiction news Lemmas: converted from manual UPOS: converted from manual XPOS: manual native Features: converted from manual Relations: manual native Contributors: Lyashevskaya, Olga; Sichinava, Dmitry Contributing: elsewhere Contact: [email protected] ===============================================================================