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bturkus committed Dec 9, 2024
2 parents d232047 + 90370ce commit 05251b2
Showing 1 changed file with 129 additions and 16 deletions.
145 changes: 129 additions & 16 deletions ami_scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ def rename_files(input_directory, extensions):
shutil.move(file, new_file)

def convert_mkv_dv_to_mp4(input_directory):
def convert_mkv_dv_to_mp4(input_directory, audio_pan):
for file in itertools.chain(input_directory.glob("*.mkv"), input_directory.glob("*.dv")):
convert_to_mp4(file, input_directory)
convert_to_mp4(file, input_directory, audio_pan)

def process_mov_files(input_directory):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,25 +104,135 @@ def transcribe_directory(input_directory, model, output_format):
output_writer(transcription_response, file.stem)

def convert_to_mp4(input_file, input_directory):
def detect_audio_pan(input_file, probe_duration=120):
Detect whether the audio is isolated to the left or right channel for each audio stream.
Probes only the first `probe_duration` seconds of the file.
# Use ffprobe to get the number of audio streams
ffprobe_command = [
"ffprobe", "-i", str(input_file),
"-show_entries", "stream=index:stream=codec_type",
"-select_streams", "a", "-of", "compact=p=0:nk=1", "-v", "0"
ffprobe_result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
audio_streams = [int(line.split('|')[0]) for line in ffprobe_result.stdout.splitlines() if "audio" in line]

print(f"Detected {len(audio_streams)} audio streams: {audio_streams} in {input_file}")

# Analyze each audio stream
pan_filters = []
for i, stream_index in enumerate(audio_streams):
print(f"Analyzing audio stream: {stream_index}")

# Analyze left channel
left_analysis_command = [
"ffmpeg", "-t", str(probe_duration), "-i", str(input_file),
"-map", f"0:{stream_index}", # Explicitly map the audio stream by index
"-af", "pan=mono|c0=c0,volumedetect", "-f", "null", "-"
left_result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
left_output = left_result.stderr

# Analyze right channel
right_analysis_command = [
"ffmpeg", "-t", str(probe_duration), "-i", str(input_file),
"-map", f"0:{stream_index}", # Explicitly map the audio stream by index
"-af", "pan=mono|c0=c1,volumedetect", "-f", "null", "-"
right_result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
right_output = right_result.stderr

# Parse mean volumes
def get_mean_volume(output):
match ="mean_volume:\s*(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)", output)
return float( if match else None

left_mean_volume = get_mean_volume(left_output)
right_mean_volume = get_mean_volume(right_output)

# Debugging output for clarity
print(f"Stream {stream_index} - Left channel mean volume: {left_mean_volume}")
print(f"Stream {stream_index} - Right channel mean volume: {right_mean_volume}")

# Handle cases where volume data is unavailable
if left_mean_volume is None or right_mean_volume is None:
print(f"Stream {stream_index}: Unable to analyze audio. Skipping this stream.")

# Determine if one channel is significantly louder than the other
silence_threshold = -60.0 # dB, adjust as needed
if right_mean_volume > silence_threshold and left_mean_volume <= silence_threshold:
print(f"Stream {stream_index}: Detected right-channel-only audio. Applying right-to-center panning.")
elif left_mean_volume > silence_threshold and right_mean_volume <= silence_threshold:
print(f"Stream {stream_index}: Detected left-channel-only audio. Applying left-to-center panning.")
print(f"Stream {stream_index}: Audio is balanced or both channels are silent. No panning applied.")

return pan_filters

def convert_to_mp4(input_file, input_directory, audio_pan):
output_file_name = f"{input_file.stem.replace('_pm', '')}_sc.mp4"
output_file = input_directory / output_file_name

# Detect all audio streams in the input file
ffprobe_command = [
"ffprobe", "-i", str(input_file),
"-show_entries", "stream=index:stream=codec_type",
"-select_streams", "a", "-of", "compact=p=0:nk=1", "-v", "0"
ffprobe_result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
audio_streams = [
for line in ffprobe_result.stdout.splitlines() if "audio" in line

# Generate pan filters based on user selection
pan_filters = []
if audio_pan in {"left", "right", "center"}:
for i, stream_index in enumerate(audio_streams):
if audio_pan == "left":
elif audio_pan == "right":
elif audio_pan == "center":
elif audio_pan == "auto":
pan_filters = detect_audio_pan(input_file)

# FFmpeg command setup
command = [
"-i", str(input_file),
"-map", "0:v", "-map", "0:a",
"-c:v", "libx264",
"-movflags", "faststart",
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
"-b:v", "3500000", "-bufsize", "1750000", "-maxrate", "3500000",
"-vf", "yadif",
"-c:a", "aac", "-b:a", "320000", "-ar", "48000", str(output_file)
"-map", "0:v", "-c:v", "libx264", "-movflags", "faststart", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
"-b:v", "3500000", "-bufsize", "1750000", "-maxrate", "3500000", "-vf", "yadif",

# Add audio filters if specified
if pan_filters:
filter_complex = ";".join(pan_filters)
"-filter_complex", filter_complex,
for i in range(len(pan_filters)):
command.extend(["-map", f"[outa{i}]"])
# Default mapping for all audio streams without modification
for stream_index in audio_streams:
command.extend(["-map", f"0:{stream_index}", "-c:a", "aac", "-b:a", "320000", "-ar", "48000"])

# Add output file

print(f"FFmpeg command: {' '.join(command)}") # Debugging output
print(f"MP4 created: {output_file}")
return output_file

def convert_mov_file(input_file, input_directory):
"""Convert a MOV file to FFV1 and MP4 formats using FFmpeg"""
output_file1 = input_directory / f"{pathlib.Path(input_file).stem}.mkv"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,6 +371,10 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="Path to save csv (optional). If provided, MediaInfo extraction will be performed.", required=False)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--model", default='medium', choices=['tiny', 'base', 'small', 'medium', 'large'], help='The Whisper model to use')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--format", default='vtt', choices=['vtt', 'srt', 'txt', 'json'], help='The subtitle output format to use')
parser.add_argument("-p", "--audio-pan",
choices=["left", "right", "none", "center", "auto"],
help="Pan audio to center from left, right, or auto-detect mono audio.")

args = parser.parse_args()

Expand All @@ -281,7 +395,7 @@ def main():
create_directories(input_dir, ["AuxiliaryFiles", "V210", "PreservationMasters", "ServiceCopies"])

print("Converting MKV and DV to MP4...")
convert_mkv_dv_to_mp4(input_dir, args.audio_pan)

print("Processing MOV files...")
Expand All @@ -303,7 +417,7 @@ def main():
transcribe_directory(input_dir, args.model, args.format)

print("Deleting empty directories...")
delete_empty_directories(input_dir, ["AuxiliaryFiles", "V210", "PreservationMasters", "ServiceCopies"])
delete_empty_directories(input_dir, ["AuxiliaryFiles", "V210", "PreservationMasters", "ServiceCopies", "ProcessedDV"])

if args.output:
project_code_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2})')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,5 +455,4 @@ def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":


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