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Ivan Beschastnikh edited this page May 4, 2015 · 1 revision


We are taking messages to mean 2+ fields : source, destination, and other fields.

For each of the properties, come up with an example distributed algorithm the debugging/development/testing of which would be made easier if the property could be verified for the implementation.

Example of distributed algorithms to use: TCP, Paxos, MapReduce, Two Phase Commit, etc.

Data-oriented Properties (on msg as well as on fields of msgs)

  • Sequence

    • Increasing sequence of numbers (e.g. TCP seq number)
  • Equality

  • Set operations

    • Intersection, inclusion, union, difference
  • Inequality Constraints

    • Less than, greater than
  • Constant

  • Field sizes

    • Useful for understanding when the system is performing a significant data transfer, and when its sending small amounts of data

Temporal Properties (concrete)

  • Permutation on a set on n messages

    • Alternation of two messages
  • Ordering of messages on a single node

    • Always sends ACK after FIN from the same node
  • Ordering across nodes

    • Ping-pong between two nodes
  • Periodicity of messages

  • More arbitrary function on the span of time between messages