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Guillem Alqueza Mayench edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 18 revisions

The game

Shinobi is an arcade and action game, it is considered a side-scrolling action game and it was produced by Sega in 1987. The main character is a ninja and he has to rescue some kids that are holded as hostages by a group of criminals. It has to fight with the enemies through different levels and save all the hostages using shurikens, katanas and ninja magic.


Pau Blanco Valle
Github: PauloWhite2004
Role: Design
Carlos González Subiron
Github: gosu00
Role: Art
Guillem Alqueza Mayench
Github: guillemalqueza
Role: Management
Sergio Fernández Contreras
Github: Serfercont
Role: Code
Rodrigo Álvarez Moizé
Github: Rodrigomoize
Role: QA


1. General Analysis

2. Design

3. UI

4. Audio

5. Art

6. References

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