Group of Dirk Koch and his great students and postdocs.
Novel Computing Technologies Group @ University Heidelberg
- FPGA-VS-Web - FPGA Virus Scanner Web Application
- FPGA Virus scanner - Program to scan for malicious FPGA designs
- FOS - FPGA Operating System
- Open-Everything FPGA in Skywater130 - Demonstration of the fully open FABulous eFPGA using the OpenLane flow
- FABulous Sky - A heterogeneous FPGA fabric in Skywater130
- FuseRISC
- eFPGA - RTL-to-GDS with SKY130
- FABulous-SKY130
- open_eFPGA_v2
- FABulous_board -A PCB created for FABulous FPGAs, based on the caravel board.
- XilinxTCL_utilities - A collection of tcl scripts for Xilinx FPGAs
- zynq-ultrascale-readback-capture - How to do readback capture on the Zynq UltraScale
- readdebugbitstream