This is a collection of scripts including cuda installation, nightly pytorch installation, torchbench tests, and more.
For scripts that source
, the run command is like
work_path=/home/yhao/d/p8 env1=pt_jan02 env2=pt_oct26_cu117 cuda_env1=/home/yhao/setenvs/ mode=train ./
The detailed explanation of the arguments is in
t_cuda=118 t_cuda_path=/install/path ./
It will automatically download and install cuda 11.8 and cudnn 8.5.0 to the path /install/path/cuda-11.8
. --date 20230102
This script will automatically download and analyze the package dependencies of the nightly pytorch build from the given date. The date format is YYYYMMDD
. e.g., torchvision built in 20230102 may rely on torch 20230101 while torchtext 20230102 may rely on torch 20230102. All packages will be downloaded to .downloads/cu116
. If no conflict dependcy found, you can use the following cmomand to install the nightly torch.
cd .downloads/ && mkdir 20230102 && cd 20230102
for file in `ls ../cu116/*20230102*`; do
ln -s $file
ln -s ../cu116/pytorch-triton-XXX
pip install ./*