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High Level Software Running the Code

VivaanBahl edited this page Jan 6, 2017 · 3 revisions
  1. Run the RobobuggyMainFile. This will take care of all the setup, including initializing the Robot
  2. To choose a Robot (a node config file), find the line that contains: *Robot.getInstance()
    • AbstractRobot - the robot all others inherit from, not meant to be instantiated
    • PlayBackRobot - A robot which can play back a log file, injecting messages into the system
    • SimRobot - a robot that's meant to be a simulation of the buggy on the course. Experimental
    • TransistorAuton - The robot that sets up autonomous
    • TransistorDataCollection - The robot that is meant for a teleoperated run
  • Running the PlaybackRobot: The play back robot uses the filepath in the config file. To set the play back log file, either edit the relevant line in config.config in the Alice/ directory, or run the code once (with the PlaybackRobot), navigate to the Configuration tab, and choose the log file using the dialogs. Then, click Save Config, and relaunch the program. Clicking Start should begin playback.