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Implement generation of global declarations and bindings
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AzimMuradov committed Dec 16, 2023
1 parent bb45a2c commit b1c5a54
Showing 1 changed file with 126 additions and 62 deletions.
188 changes: 126 additions & 62 deletions lib/CodeGen/Llvm/Ir2LlvmIr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module CodeGen.Llvm.Ir2LlvmIr (ppLlvm, ir2LlvmIr) where
module CodeGen.Llvm.Ir2LlvmIr (ppLlvmModule, genLlvmIrModule) where

import CodeGen.Module (Module (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadFix)
import CodeGen.Module (Module (Module))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, State, evalState, gets, modify)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Transform (toShortByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Foreign (fromBool)
import qualified LLVM.AST as LLVM hiding (function)
import qualified LLVM.AST.Constant as C
import qualified LLVM.AST.IntegerPredicate as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.AST.Type as LLVM
import qualified LLVM.IRBuilder.Constant as LLVM
Expand All @@ -20,34 +26,86 @@ import LLVM.Pretty (ppllvm)
import Transformations.Anf.Anf
import Trees.Common

ppLlvm :: LLVM.Module -> Text
ppLlvm = ppllvm
ppLlvmModule :: LLVM.Module -> Text
ppLlvmModule = ppllvm

ir2LlvmIr :: Module -> LLVM.Module
ir2LlvmIr = genModule
genLlvmIrModule :: Module -> LLVM.Module
genLlvmIrModule = genModule

-- Implementation

genModule :: Module -> LLVM.Module
genModule (Module name code) = LLVM.buildModule (toShortByteString name) undefined
type CodeGenM = LLVM.IRBuilderT Llvm

type Llvm = LLVM.ModuleBuilderT (State Env)

data Env = Env
{ vars :: Map Identifier' LLVM.Operand,
funs :: Map Identifier' LLVM.Operand

genExpr ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
Expression ->
m LLVM.Operand
genExpr expr = case expr of
genModule :: Module -> LLVM.Module
genModule (Module name (Program decls)) = flip evalState (Env Map.empty Map.empty) $
LLVM.buildModuleT (toShortByteString name) $ do
notF <- LLVM.extern "not" [LLVM.i64] LLVM.i64
printBoolF <- LLVM.extern "print_bool" [LLVM.i64] LLVM.i64
printIntF <- LLVM.extern "print_int" [LLVM.i64] LLVM.i64

let stdFuns =
[ (Txt "not", notF),
(Txt "print_bool", printBoolF),
(Txt "print_int", printIntF)

mapM_ (uncurry regFun) stdFuns

mapM_ genGlobDecl decls

-- In the `main` we define our global variables.
LLVM.function "main" [] LLVM.i64 $ \_ -> do
mapM_ gVarDef decls
LLVM.ret (LLVM.int64 0)
gVarDef :: GlobalDeclaration -> CodeGenM ()
gVarDef = \case
GlobVarDecl ident value -> do
operand <- findVar ident
value' <- genExpr value
store' operand value'
_ -> return ()

genGlobDecl :: GlobalDeclaration -> Llvm ()
genGlobDecl decl = case decl of
GlobVarDecl ident _ -> do
var <- (LLVM.mkName $ genId ident) LLVM.i64 (C.Int 64 0)
regVar ident var
GlobFunDecl ident params body -> do
fun <- LLVM.function
(LLVM.mkName $ genId ident)
((LLVM.i64,) . LLVM.ParameterName . toShortByteString . genId <$> params)
$ \args -> do
mapM_ (uncurry regVar) (params `zip` args)
body' <- genExpr body
LLVM.ret body'
regFun ident fun

genId :: Identifier' -> String
genId = \case
Txt txt -> Text.unpack txt
Gen n txt -> Text.unpack txt <> "'" <> show n

genExpr :: Expression -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
genExpr = \case
ExprAtom atom -> genAtom atom
ExprComp ce -> genComp ce
ExprLetIn (ident, value) expr -> undefined

genAtom ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
AtomicExpression ->
m LLVM.Operand
genAtom atom = case atom of
AtomId ident -> undefined {- mdo
CompilerState map _ <- get
load' $ map ! name -}
ExprLetIn (ident, val) expr -> mdo
val' <- genExpr val `LLVM.named` toShortByteString (genId ident)
regVar ident val'
genExpr expr

genAtom :: AtomicExpression -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
genAtom = \case
AtomId ident -> findVar ident
AtomUnit -> return $ LLVM.int64 0
AtomBool bool -> return $ LLVM.int64 $ fromBool bool
AtomInt int -> return $ LLVM.int64 $ toInteger int
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,58 +135,64 @@ genAtom atom = case atom of
UnMinusOp -> LLVM.mul (LLVM.int64 (-1))
opF x'

genComp ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
ComplexExpression ->
m LLVM.Operand
genComp comp = case comp of
CompApp f arg -> undefined
CompIte c t e -> genIte c t e
genComp :: ComplexExpression -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
genComp = \case
CompApp f arg -> mdo
-- _ <- printInt [(ourExpression, [])]
CompIte c t e -> mdo
rv <- allocate'

c' <- genAtom c >>= intToBool
LLVM.condBr c' tBlock eBlock

genIte ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
AtomicExpression ->
Expression ->
Expression ->
m LLVM.Operand
genIte c t e = mdo
rv <- LLVM.alloca LLVM.i64 Nothing 0
tBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.then"
store' rv =<< genExpr t end

c' <- genAtom c >>= intToBool
LLVM.condBr c' tBlock eBlock
eBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.else"
store' rv =<< genExpr e end

tBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.then"
store' rv =<< genExpr t end
end <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.end"

eBlock <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.else"
store' rv =<< genExpr e end
load' rv

end <- LLVM.block `LLVM.named` "if.end"
-- Stack

load' rv
findVar :: MonadState Env m => Identifier' -> m LLVM.Operand
findVar k = gets ((Map.! k) . vars)

allocate :: (LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m) => LLVM.Operand -> m LLVM.Operand
regVar :: MonadState Env m => Identifier' -> LLVM.Operand -> m ()
regVar k v = modify $ \env -> env {vars = Map.insert k v (vars env)}

findFun :: Identifier' -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
findFun k = gets ((Map.! k) . funs)

regFun :: MonadState Env m => Identifier' -> LLVM.Operand -> m ()
regFun k v = modify $ \env -> env {funs = Map.insert k v (funs env)}

-- Allocation utils

allocate :: LLVM.Operand -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
allocate value = do
addr <- LLVM.alloca LLVM.i64 (Just (LLVM.int64 0)) 0
addr <- LLVM.alloca LLVM.i64 Nothing 0
store' addr value
pure addr
return addr

allocate' :: CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
allocate' = LLVM.alloca LLVM.i64 Nothing 0

load' :: (LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m) => LLVM.Operand -> m LLVM.Operand
load' :: LLVM.Operand -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
load' addr = LLVM.load addr 0

store' :: (LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m) => LLVM.Operand -> LLVM.Operand -> m ()
store' :: LLVM.Operand -> LLVM.Operand -> CodeGenM ()
store' addr = addr 0

-- Utils
-- Conversion utils

boolToInt ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
(LLVM.Operand -> m LLVM.Operand)
boolToInt :: LLVM.Operand -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
boolToInt = flip LLVM.zext LLVM.i64

intToBool ::
(LLVM.MonadIRBuilder m, LLVM.MonadModuleBuilder m, MonadFix m) =>
(LLVM.Operand -> m LLVM.Operand)
intToBool :: LLVM.Operand -> CodeGenM LLVM.Operand
intToBool = flip LLVM.trunc LLVM.i64

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