MiniML is a minimal dialect of ML (Meta Language).
- Basic data types (
,'a -> 'b
) - Basic literals (
, decimal integers) - Basic boolean operators (
) and arithmetic operators (+
) - Comparison operators (
) - Unary operators (
) - Standard library
not : bool -> bool
print_bool : bool -> unit
print_int : int -> unit
- Anonymous functions (
fun a b -> a + b
) - Functions and recursive functions declarations, let-bindings (
let f x = x * x
,let rec f x = x * f x
,let x = 42
) - Top-level expressions
- Type annotations (w/o type vars) (
let int_eq (a : int) (b : int) = a = b
) - Let expressions (
let f x = x * x in ...
,let rec f x = x * f x in ...
,let x = 42 in ...
) - Currying
- Conditionals (
if x > 15 then x * 16 else x / 23
(* *)
let rec fib n =
if n < 2
then n
else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2);;
print_int (fib 10)
$ miniml run
$ cat | miniml run
$ miniml compile
$ ./fibonacci.out
$ miniml compile -o "fib"
$ ./fib
-- MiniML Runner & Compiler --
Usage: miniml COMMAND [-d|--debug]
MiniML is a minimal dialect of ML (Meta Language)
Available options:
-d,--debug Execute in debug mode
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
run Run MiniML program
compile Compile MiniML program to the provided target
print-c-runtime Print C runtime
Run MiniML program
Usage: miniml run [FILE]
Run MiniML program
Available options:
FILE Program file path (optional)
-h,--help Show this help text
Global options:
-d,--debug Execute in debug mode
Compile MiniML program
Usage: miniml compile [FILE] [-t|--target TARGET] [-o|--output OUTPUT]
Compile MiniML program to the provided target
Available options:
FILE Program file path (optional)
-t,--target TARGET Compilation target (binary|llvm-ir|risc-v-asm)
(default: binary)
-o,--output OUTPUT Output file path (default: filename taken from the
MiniML program)
-h,--help Show this help text
Global options:
-d,--debug Execute in debug mode
Print C runtime
Usage: miniml print-c-runtime [-o|--output OUTPUT]
Print C runtime
Available options:
-o,--output OUTPUT Output file path (default: runtime.c)
-h,--help Show this help text
Global options:
-d,--debug Execute in debug mode
Build Requirements
- GHC: 9.4.8
- Cabal: 3.8
- LLVM: 16-18