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TJ Horner edited this page Apr 16, 2019 · 6 revisions

Your primary goal as a moderator is to make sure that nobody is violating our rules. We trust your judgement, so if you feel that someone is being generally disruptive and deserves some sort of punishment, even it doesn't technically fall within the rules, you have final say. Just make sure to provide some sort of reason.

If you are a moderator, you have these (expected) powers:

  • /mute users
  • /kick users
  • /tempban users
  • /jail users
  • /fly and /vanish
  • CoreProtect's /co inspect and /co lookup (read more about those here)

But you also have access to the special /lookup command. You can use this command to figure out who a Minecraft player really is and then subsequently perform an action on their Academus account. To use it, provide a player's username to the command. For example, /lookup tjhorner:


Lastly, as a moderator, remember that you are also expected to follow our rules to an even higher standard than normal players. To prove that you actually read this document, send 3 random emoji to the person that sent this to you.

Moderation Cheatsheet

Required parameters are <angle-bracketed> and optional ones are [square-bracketed]. datediff parameters can be expressed in years, months, weeks, days, etc. Example: 3d for 3 days.

Mute/unmute a user

/mute <username> [datediff]

Kick a user

/kick <username> [reason]

Temp-ban a user

/tempban <username> <datediff> <reason>

Jail/unjail a user

/jail <username> <jail> [datediff]

You can get the current jail names with /jails.

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