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####MockTurtleBot Project - iRobot© Create1/Roomba 500 Base

At this time, this repository is "Work in Progress" so expect errors to be displayed after launching many of the scripts and packages.

The requirement of the work in this repository is to document the development and post the release of ROS 2 Packages that migrate the original "Willow Garage" / Open Robotics Turtlebot (tm) where the last released repository was ROS Indigo, to ROS 2 Humble/Navigation 2 autonomous navigation'. This new repository called "MockTurtleBot" uses this orgiginal iRobot Create (™) 1 Base. It should be mentioned that while this repository is written to use with a iRobot Create 1, the installed base drive package (Autonomy Labs ™) includes support for the Roomba Model 500 or 600) and Create 2 base. To enable these drivers, a manual revison must be made to the mtbc1_bringup launch file that is installed in the mtbc1_ws workspace, and recompiled.

Installation of ROS 2 Packages and Dependancies on the Robot (Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer-SBC) and Desktop Computer. This Repository material references the ROS 2 and dependencies installation documented in the linorobot2 repository , and adds instructions specfically for this MockTurtleBotC1 robot model.

Installation of ROS 2 on Robot (Rasberry Pi Single Board Computer - SBC) and Remote Desktop Computer

This "install" script on the ros2me repository script below will install ROS 2 humble distro and a number of python3 libraries and dependancies for the Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Release meta-package:

ros-humble-desktop on a "x86_64" machine, or

ros-humble-base (barebones) on a "aarch64", i.e Raspberry Pi or MAC M1.

Note that if your Remote Desktop Machine is an "aarch64" such as a MAC M1, as it installs the -base, you must manually run an additional script "~/sudo apt install ros-humble-desktop to add the necessary packages to upgrade the install to a "Desktop" (e.g. rviz, teleop, joy, rqt)

While not essential the following Ubuntu packages can be helpful in running and trouble-shotting your Robot & Desktop computers. Install these ubuntu packages with with "~/sudo apt install" openssh-server, avahi-daemon, htop, nload .

From the Ubuntu home directory, ~/git clone , then run ~/ .install

Manual installation of MockTurtleBotC1, which is a Create 1 varient of the MockTurtleBot robot package on robot (SBC) computer.

  1. Install dependencies

1.1 Source your ROS 2 distro, which is humble in this documentation and workspace source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash cd mtbc1_ws colcon build source install/setup.bash

add this script to the ~/.bashrc in your home directory to make this designation persistant for any terminal instance

$ export "source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash"

The <your_ws> workspace is designated as mtbc1_ws/src, or whatever you desire to use.

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev

1.2 Configure .gitignore in root directory of Remote Desktop and Robot SBC (Single Board Computer) Suggest use the sample file ROS.gitignore file from . Suggest using the ROS.gitignore file and add these several additional lines if VSCode is deployed on the Desktop and Robot machines and you use Git.

# VSCode

# .gitignore

# .DS_Store


Mock TurtleBot ROS 2 Humble Project - Desktop







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