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ztrhgf committed Jun 9, 2018
1 parent b1761c1 commit f63ffb7
Showing 1 changed file with 250 additions and 0 deletions.
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions Get-CurrentLoad.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
#TODO dodelat detailed switch ktery vypise i nejvic zatezujici procesy + zprumerovanou hodnotu ze vsech probehlych mereni?
function Get-CurrentLoad {
Fce slouží k vypsání aktualniho zatizeni stroje. Konkretne CPU, RAM, GPU, disky a sit.
Vypis se automaticky aktualizuje.
Fce slouží k vypsání aktualniho zatizeni stroje. Konkretne CPU, RAM, GPU, disky a sit.
Vypis se automaticky aktualizuje.
.PARAMETER computerName
Jmeno stroje, na kterem se ma mereni provest.
Prepinac rikajici, ze se ma merit i zatizeni GPU.
Toto mereni ja trochu narocnejsi na CPU, proto na vyzadani.
.PARAMETER detailed
Slouzi k vypsani 5 nejvic zatezujicich procesu pro vybranou oblast.
Mozne hodnoty jsou CPU, GPU, HDD, RAM a NIC.
.PARAMETER updateSpeed
Po kolika veterinach se maji vysledky obnovovat.
Vychozi je 1.
Bude vypisovat aktualni zatizeni na tomto stroji.
Get-ActualPerformance -computername titan01
Bude vypisovat aktualni zatizeni na stroji titan01.
Get-ActualPerformance -detailed CPU
Bude vypisovat 5 procesu, ktere nejvic zatezuji CPU na tomto stroji.
Author: Ondřej Šebela - [email protected]

param (
[string] $computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
[switch] $includeGPU
[ValidateSet('CPU', 'RAM', 'HDD', 'NIC', 'GPU')]
[string] $detailed
[int] $updateSpeed = 1

begin {
try {
$null = Get-Command Invoke-Command2 -ea stop
} catch {
throw "Pro beh je potreba funkce Invoke-Command2"


process {
Invoke-Command2 -computerName $computerName -argumentList $includeGPU, $detailed, $updateSpeed {
param ($includeGPU, $detailed, $updateSpeed)

# jmeno counteru musi byt dle jazyku OS
# chtel jsem pro dynamicke zjisteni lokalizovaneho jmena counteru pouzit funkci ale bylo to nespolehlive, napr u 'Bytes Sent/sec' to vratilo jine ID na ceskem a jine na anglickem OS
$osLanguage = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property MUILanguages).MUILanguages
if ($osLanguage -eq 'en-US') {
$sent = 'sent'
$process = 'Process'
$IDprocess = 'ID Process'
$percentProcessorTime = '% Processor Time'
$workingSet = 'Working Set'
$IODataOperationsSec = 'IO Data Operations/sec'
$GPUEngine = 'GPU Engine'
$utilizationPercentage = 'Utilization Percentage'
$processor = 'Processor'
$physicalDisk = 'PhysicalDisk'
$percentDiskTime = '% Disk Time'
$memory = 'Memory'
$availableMBytes = 'Available MBytes'
$networkInterface = 'Network Interface'
$bytesSentSec = 'Bytes Sent/sec'
$bytesReceivedSec = 'Bytes Received/sec'
} elseif ($osLanguage -eq 'cs-CZ') {
$sent = 'odeslané'
$process = 'Proces'
$IDprocess = 'ID procesu'
$percentProcessorTime = '% času procesoru'
$workingSet = 'pracovní sada'
$IODataOperationsSec = 'Vstupně-výstupní datové operace/s'
$GPUEngine = 'GPU engine'
$utilizationPercentage = 'Utilization Percentage'
$processor = 'Procesor'
$physicalDisk = 'Fyzický disk'
$percentDiskTime = '% času disku'
$memory = 'Paměť'
$availableMBytes = 'počet MB k dispozici'
$networkInterface = 'Rozhraní sítě'
$bytesSentSec = 'Bajty odeslané/s'
$bytesReceivedSec = 'Bajty přijaté/s'
} else {
throw "pro tento jazyk ($osLanguage) nejsou nastaveny lokalizovana jmena counteru"

# nastavim countery, ktere budu merit
if ($detailed) {
switch ($detailed) {
'CPU' { $counterList = @("\$process(*)\$percentProcessorTime") } # '\Process(*)\% Processor Time'
'RAM' { $counterList = @("\$process(*)\$workingSet") } # '\Process(*)\Working Set'
'HDD' { $counterList = @("\$process(*)\$IODataOperationsSec") } # '\Process(*)\IO Data Operations/sec'
'NIC' { $counterList = @("\$process(*)\$IODataOperationsSec")} # '\Process(*)\IO Data Operations/sec'
'GPU' { $counterList = @("\$GPUEngine(*)\$utilizationPercentage") } # '\GPU Engine(*)\Utilization Percentage'
Default { throw "nedefinovano" }

# na Hyper-V serveru chci u procesu vmwp vypsat, k jakemu VM patri
# proto zjistim jmeno, ktere se pouziva v counterech a odpovidajici PID, abych umel pozdeji sparovat se zatezujicim procesem
$isHyperVServer = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\virtualization\v2" -Query 'select elementname, caption from Msvm_ComputerSystem where caption = "Virtual Machine"' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select ElementName).count # pokud na nem bezi nejake virtualy, povazuji jej za Hyper-V server
if ($isHyperVServer) {
$vmwpPID = (Get-Counter "\$process(*vmwp*)\$IDprocess" -ea SilentlyContinue).CounterSamples
$PID2VMName = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name like '%vmwp%'" -property processid, commandline | Select-Object ProcessId, @{Label = "VMName"; Expression = {(Get-VM -Id $_.Commandline.split(" ")[1] | Select-Object VMName).VMName}}
} else {
[System.Collections.ArrayList] $counterList = @("\$processor(*)\$percentProcessorTime", "\$physicalDisk(*)\$percentDiskTime", "\$memory\$availableMBytes") # "\Processor(*)\% Processor Time", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\% Disk Time", "\Memory\Available MBytes"

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -Property physicalAdapter, netEnabled, speed, name | where {$_.PhysicalAdapter -eq $true -and $_.NetEnabled -eq $true} | select name, speed | % {
$null = $counterList.Add("\$networkInterface($($\$bytesSentSec") # "\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Sent/sec"
$null = $counterList.Add("\$networkInterface($($\$bytesReceivedSec") # "\Network Interface(*)\Bytes Received/sec"

if ($includeGPU) {
# counter celkem zatezuje CPU, proto jen na vyzadani
$null = $counterList.Add("\$gpuEngine(*)\$utilizationPercentage") # '\GPU Engine(*)\Utilization Percentage'

$physicalRAMMB = ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Property TotalVisibleMemorySize).TotalVisibleMemorySize / 1kb)

# pokud predavam jen 1 counter, musim prevest na string
if ($counterList.Count -eq 1) {
$counterList = $counterList[0]

while (1) {
$actualResults = Get-Counter $counterList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty CounterSamples | Group-Object path | % {
$_ | Select-Object -Property Name, @{ n = 'Value'; e = { ($_.Group.CookedValue | Measure-Object -Average).Average }}

if (!$actualResults) { throw "Nejsou zadne vysledky mereni, existuji countery: $($CounterList -join ', ') na stroji: $env:COMPUTERNAME?" }


if ($detailed) {
# upozornim, ze zobrazuji celkove IO zatizeni danymi procesy, ne pouze HDD ci NIC
if ($detailed -in 'HDD', 'NIC') {
"zobrazeny !vsechny! typy IO operaci procesu (HDD + NIC + ...)"

# vypisi jen nejvic zatezujici procesy
$actualResults | where {$ -notlike "*idle*" -and $ -notlike "*_total*" -and $_.value -ne 0} |
Sort-Object value -Descending |
Select-Object -First 5 |
ForEach-Object {
$name = ([regex]"\(([^)]+)\)").Matches($
$value = [math]::Round($_.value, 2)
if ($detailed -eq 'RAM') {
$value = ([math]::Round($_.value / 1MB, 2)).tostring() + ' MB'
} elseif ($detailed -eq 'GPU') {
# GPU counter zobrazuje PID procesu,, prevedu na jmeno
$processId = ([regex]"\(pid_([^_)]+)").Matches($[1].value
$processName = Get-WmiObject win32_process -Property name, ProcessId | where {$_.processId -eq $processId} | select -exp name

$name = $processName

# vypisi i jaky virtual reprezentuje proces vmwp
if ($name -like "*vmwp*" -and $isHyperVServer) {
$ppid = $vmwpPid | where {$_.path -like "*$name*"} | select -exp CookedValue
$vmName = $pid2VMName | where {$_.processid -eq $ppid} | select -exp vmname
$name = "$name (VM: $vmName)"

"{0}: {1}" -f $name, $value
} else {
# vypisi celkove zatizeni CPU, HDD, RAM, ...
$GPUTotal = 0

$actualResults.GetEnumerator() | % {
$item = $_
switch -Wildcard ($ {
"*\$percentProcessorTime" {
$core = ([regex]"\(([^)]+)\)").Matches($_).Value
"CPU $core %: " + [math]::Round($item.Value, 2)

"*\$availableMBytes" {
"RAM used %: " + [math]::Round((($physicalRAMMB - $item.Value) / ($physicalRAMMB / 100)), 2)

"*\$percentDiskTime" {
if ($ -like "*_total*") {return}
$name = ([regex]"\(([^)]+)\)").Matches($_).Value
"DISK time $name %: " + [math]::Round($item.Value, 2)

"*\$networkInterface*" {
$name = ([regex]"\(([^)]+)\)").Matches($_).Value

if ($ -like "*$sent*") {
$action = 'sent'
} else {
$action = 'received'

"NIC $name $action MB: " + [math]::Round($item.Value / 1MB, 2)

"*$GPUEngine*" {
# GPU nema zadny souhrny _total counter, sectu vsechny hodnoty a vypisi po ukonceni foreach loopu
$GPUTotal += $item.Value

Default {
#$ + ": " + [math]::Round($item.Value / 1MB, 2)
throw "nedefinovany counter"
} # konec foreach projiti ziskanych vysledku

if ($GPUTotal) {
"GPU %: " + [math]::Round($GPUTotal, 2)

Start-Sleep $updateSpeed
} # konec while
} # konec Invoke-Command2
} # konec process

Set-Alias top Get-CurrentLoad # obdoba linux prikazu top (a iotop)

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