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ztrhgf committed Jun 9, 2018
1 parent a41f2ae commit 5c86800
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Showing 2 changed files with 170 additions and 1 deletion.
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions Get-NetworkCapture.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
function Get-NetworkCapture {
param (
$computerName = $env:computername
[int] $runTimeMinutes = 5
[string] $outputFolder = "C:\temp"
[UInt16[]] $TCPPorts
[UInt16[]] $UDPPorts
[string[]] $ipAddress
[ValidateSet(4, 6)]
[int] $ipProtocol
[int] $maxFileSizeMB = 1000

begin {
if ($computerName -contains $env:computername -and ! ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {
Throw "Skript je potreba spusti s admin pravy"

if (!(Test-Path $outputFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
throw "Umisteni $outputFolder, kam se maji ukladat zachycene udaje neexistuje"

process {
Write-Output "Nyni pobezi $runTimeMinutes minut zachytavani sitove komunikace na $($computerName -join ', ')"

$captures = Invoke-Command2 -ComputerName $computerName {
param (
[UInt16[]] $TCPPorts
[UInt16[]] $UDPPorts

$VerbosePreference = $verbose
$sessName = "capture_" + "$(Get-Random)"
$fileName = "_$env:COMPUTERNAME`_$(get-date -f ddmmyyyyhhmm).etl"

if ($env:COMPUTERNAME -eq $localhost) {
# capture delam na localhostu (ne remote hostu) == etl ulozim rovnou do cilove slozky
$etlFile = Join-Path $outputFolder $fileName
} else {
# capture delam na nejakem remote stroji
$etlFile = "$env:windir\TEMP\$fileName"

try {
# invoke-command musi vratit jen cestu k etl souboru, proto vse zacina $null = ...
$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

#TODO dodelat podporu pro starsi OS (netsh trace start)
#C:\Windows\system32>netsh trace start capture=yes report=yes maxsize=1024 correlation=yes tracefile=test.etl
if ((Get-Command Get-NetEventSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {}
# zaroven muze bezet jen jedno mereni
# neaktivni ukoncim, na bezici upozornim
$runningSession = Get-NetEventSession
if ($runningSession -and $runningSession.SessionStatus -eq 'NotRunning') {
$null = Remove-NetEventSession -Name ($
Write-Warning "Na $env:COMPUTERNAME existovala neaktivni merici session. Ukoncil jsem ji, abych mohl pokracovat"
} elseif ($runningSession) {
throw "Na $env:COMPUTERNAME jiz existuje merici session $($ (ve stavu: $($runningSession.SessionStatus)). Je potreba pockat na ukonceni nebo ukoncit prikazem: Stop-NetEventSession; Remove-NetEventSession"

Write-Verbose "Spoustim session $sessName"
$null = New-NetEventSession -Name $sessName -CaptureMode SaveToFile -LocalFilePath $etlFile -MaxFileSize $maxFileSizeMB # MaxFileSize je v MB (pri prekroceni se stare nahradi novymi)
if (!(Get-NetEventSession -Name $sessName)) {
throw "Nepodarilo se vytvorit monitorovaci session"

$null = Add-NetEventProvider -Name "Microsoft-Windows-TCPIP" -SessionName $sessName

#TODO zakomentovana cast to vzdy rozbije..bug??
# $null = Add-NetEventWFPCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName
# if ($TCPPorts) {
# #TODO filtrovani podle portu nefunguje !
# $null = Set-NetEventWFPCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName -TCPPorts $TCPPorts
# }
# if ($UDPPorts) {
# #TODO filtrovani podle portu nefunguje !
# $null = Set-NetEventWFPCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName -UDPPorts $UDPPorts
# }

$null = Add-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName
if ($ipAddress) {
$null = Set-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName -IpAddresses $ipAddress
if ($ipProtocol) {
$null = Set-NetEventPacketCaptureProvider -SessionName $sessName -IpProtocols $ipProtocol

$null = Start-NetEventSession -Name $sessName

Start-Sleep -Seconds ($runTimeMinutes * 60)

$null = Stop-NetEventSession -Name $sessName
$null = Remove-NetEventSession -Name $sessName
} catch {
$null = Stop-NetEventSession -Name $sessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$null = Remove-NetEventSession -Name $sessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
throw "Na $env:COMPUTERNAME capture skoncil chybou:`n$_"

return $etlFile
} -ArgumentList $maxFileSizeMB, $runTimeMinutes, $TCPPorts, $UDPPorts, $ipAddress, $ipProtocol, $localhost, $outputFolder, $VerbosePreference

end {
if ($captures) {
Write-Output "Do $outputFolder se nyni nakopiruji etl soubory obsahujici zachycenou sitovou komunikaci.`n`t- etl se daji otevrit v aplikaci 'Message Analyzer'.`n"

# ze stroju zkopiruji zachyceny sitovy provoz
foreach ($etlFile in $captures) {
if ($etlFile -match $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
# lokalne udelany capture rovnou kladam do ciloveho umisteni == netreba nic delat

# zkopiruji capture z remote stroje
$remoteMachine = ([regex]"\\_(\w+)_").Matches($etlFile).captures.groups[1].value
# zmenim cestu na pouziti admin share
$etlFile = $etlFile -replace ':', '$'
try {
Write-Output "Kopiruji $(Split-Path $etlFile -Leaf)"
Copy-Item "\\$remoteMachine\$etlFile" $outputFolder -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Error "Zkopirovani se nezdarilo:`n$_"

# smazu jiz nepotrebny etl soubor z remote stroje
try {
Remove-Item "\\$remoteMachine\$etlFile" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Error "Nepodarilo se z $remoteMachine smazat jiz nepotrebny $etlFile"
} else {
Write-Warning "Nepodarilo se ziskat zadne etl soubory"
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,12 @@ powershell functions to make my admin work easier

great function to get cpu, hdd, io, gpu load from this or remote computer
it support -detailed switch to display which process are most intensive
it support -detailed switch to display which process are most intensive


function to capture traffic on local/remote computer/s, export it to etl file and copy to specified location

there is still some work to do, but basic functionality is working

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