- You can clone this project first
- Go to root directory project end type comman
"npm install" and "npm run start" - build tailwindcss on you're project, type comman
"npx tailwindcss -i ./src/style.css -o ./public/css/style.css --watch" - if you make tailwindcss CDN don't folow step number 3.
- All page format ejs (Embedded javascript Template)
✅ Completed
⌛ In progress
⌛ Hero Sections
⌛ Feature Sections
⌛ CTA Sections
⌛ Pricing Sections
⌛ Header Sections
⌛ FAQs
⌛ Newsletter Sections
⌛ Stats
⌛ Testimonials
⌛ Blog Sections
⌛ Contact Sections
⌛ Team Sections
⌛ Content Sections
⌛ Footers
⌛ Logo Clouds
⌛ Headers
⌛ Banners
⌛ Flyout Menus
⌛ 404 Pages
⌛ Landing Pages
⌛ Pricing Pages
⌛ Contact Pages