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zolrath edited this page Mar 28, 2012 · 3 revisions

wemux can display a list of connected users, indicating users in mirror mode with [m] at the end of their name.

If you'd like to see a list of all users currently connected to the wemux session, you have three options:

wemux users

Enter wemux users in the terminal to display a list of all currently connected wemux users.

$ wemux users
Users connected to 'host':
  1. furd
  2. csagan[m]

Status Bar

You can add the user list to your status bar by adding #(wemux status_users) where you see fit by editing your ~/tmux.conf file.

set -g status-right "#(wemux status_users)"

Display Message

If you'd rather display users on command via a tmux message, similar to the user attachment/detachment messages, by editing your ~/tmux.conf file. Pick whatever key you'd like to bind it to. Using t as an example:

unbind t
bind t run-shell 'wemux display_users'

Note that the tmux prefix should be pressed before t to activate the command.

User listing can be disabled by setting allow_user_list="false" in wemux.conf

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