- Users are encouraged to use NCAR Casper Login*.
- Data is available from the sixth Coupled Model Intercomparison Product (CMIP6). It is publicly archived and available, but the data is readily available on Casper. Here is a link to the data on the Earth System Grid Federation Portal at Centre for Environmental Data Analysis and the cloud.
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
to download any missing Python dependencies.
(NCAR Casper Login Aside: You can create an account by following the directions on the Casper website.)
Run the explore_CMIP6_data.py
file to generate a variety of graphs of the historical_r1i1p1f1
model output data. Can also use this file as an example of how to generate new spatial plots of any other variables.
Prepare Data for Model Input
Use the prepare_data.py
file to generate training-ready data files for the emulators. The preprocessing includes variable selection, annual averaging, and feature derivations (ie. diurnal temperature range = tasmax - tasmin
Data storage structure
/glade/collections/cmip/CMIP6/{MIP}/NCC/NorESM2-LM/{experiment}/{member}/{general variable category}/{variable}/*/*/{variable}/*.nc
(Model Intercomparison Projects) : CMIP, DAMIP, ScenarioMIP, AerChemMIPexperiment
- CMIP: 1pctCO2, abrupt-4xCO2, historical, piControl
- DAMIP: hist-GHG', hist-aer
- ScenarioMIP: ssp126, ssp245, ssp370, ssp370-lowNTCF, ssp585
- E.g., r1i1p1f1, r2i1p1d1, r2i1p1d1
for realization,i
for initialization,p
for physics, andf
for forcing
general variable category
Acronym | Spelled Out Version |
Amon | Atmospheric Month |
Omon | Oceanic Month |
day | Daily |
Oday | Oceanic Daily |
Eday | Earth Daily |
List of Climate Variables
Acronym | Spelled Out Version |
prc | Convective Precipitation |
rtmt | Net Top-of-Model Radiation |
hfls | Surface Latent Heat Flux |
ch4global | Global Methane Concentration |
hur | Relative Humidity |
sfcWind | Surface Wind Speed |
rlds | Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation |
prw | Water Vapor Path |
hus | Specific Humidity |
n2oglobal | Global Nitrous Oxide Concentration |
clwvi | Column-Integrated Liquid Water |
prsn | Snowfall Flux |
va | Meridional Wind |
cfc11global | Global CFC-11 Concentration |
tauu | Zonal Wind Stress |
rlutcs | Clear-Sky Upwelling Longwave Radiation |
tas | Near-Surface Air Temperature |
clt | Total Cloud Fraction |
tauv | Meridional Wind Stress |
cfc12global | Global CFC-12 Concentration |
ci | Sea Ice Concentration |
co2 | Carbon Dioxide Concentration |
clivi | Column-Integrated Ice Water |
cl | Cloud Fraction |
ua | Zonal Wind |
hfss | Surface Sensible Heat Flux |
ps | Surface Pressure |
o3 | Ozone Concentration |
wap | Vertical Velocity |
rsds | Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation |
rlus | Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation |
rsutcs | Clear-Sky Upwelling Shortwave Radiation |
rsdt | Top-of-Atmosphere Downwelling Shortwave Radiation |
tasmin | Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature |
ta | Air Temperature |
rlut | Top-of-Atmosphere Upwelling Longwave Radiation |
hurs | Near-Surface Relative Humidity |
co2mass | Total Mass of Carbon Dioxide |
sbl | Sea Ice Thickness |
rldscs | Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation |
psl | Sea-Level Pressure |
pr | Precipitation |
tasmax | Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature |
clw | Cloud Liquid Water Content |
huss | Near-Surface Specific Humidity |
zg | Geopotential Height |
evspsbl | Evaporation |
rsuscs | Clear-Sky Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation |
rsus | Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation |
cli | Cloud Ice Water Content |
rsut | Top-of-Atmosphere Upwelling Shortwave Radiation |
ts | Surface Temperature |
rsdscs | Clear-Sky Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation |
Data Access
The processed training, validation and test data can be obtained from Zenodo.
- Download
. - Decompressing the two files
- Upload all
files intrain_val
onto CASPER and place them in the same directory.
- Download
and upload onto Casper. - Pattern Scaling
- Gaussian Process
- Random Forest Model
- Download
and upload onto Casper. - Place
in the same directory as the.nc
files. - Run the notebook to see the random forest model and outputs.
- Download