- NxM Grid of rectangles
- Method to change color of rectangle -> User Interface Panel a. For shortest path calculations b. For visualization of snake and food
- Shortest path algorithms
- Controls
- Randomization of food
- Game Over conditions
- UX Canvas -> Control Panel -> Grid -> Color Changing Rectangles Alerts
- Controls Start BFS/DFS Clear Grid Randomize barriers Start Snake Pause
- Algorithms/Data Structure Grid Matrix BFS DFS Snake Calculations
- UX a. We can mark a source tile and a sink tile on the grid b. We can run BFS with a control panel button to find the distance between source and sink c. By running BFS, we can see the grid display the algorithm working and then finally display the distance
- Controls a. Clicking a tile will mark the source and clicking another will mark the sink (only two allowed) b. Clicking BFS button after two tiles are marked will trigger BFS
- Algorithms/Data Structures a. There will be a matrix representing the state of each tile b. BFS and result - Must create function to alter the state of the matrix and redraw the canvas