Releases: zhyx12/fastda
Releases · zhyx12/fastda
FastDA Release V0.0.18
The changes are listed as follows:
- add default value for some control keys: max_iters, log_interval, val_interval, save_interval, max_save_num, cudnn_deter_flag
- add "save_best_model" into control keys
- raise runtimeerror when val_interval is larger than max_iters
- allowing max_save_num=0 now
FastDA Release V0.0.17
- add cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) thus card 0 will not have extra memory cost
FastDA Release V0.0.15
- import HOOKS in and
- register validation hooks early thus it make sense
FastDA Release V0.0.13
- breaking changes: dataloader index start from 0 now, not 1 as before
- you can register custom hooks now by write them in config. The figure of train_api is also updated.
- using pop(key, None) syntax