Solo is a professional, simple, stable and good performance open source Java blogging system. You can setup it by yourself (download) or buy our provided service, see here for more details.
Solo 是一个专业、简约、稳定、极速的开源 Java 博客系统。你可以自己搭建使用(下载),也可以通过购买我们搭建好的服务来直接使用,详情请看这里。
- Tags
- Atom/RSS, Sitemap
- Comment/Reply email notification
- Page & Post
- Markdown/TinyMCE/KindEditor
- Sticky/Random/Relvant post
- Permalink
- Draft, Sign
- Multiple users, i18n, Themes, Plugins
- MetaWeblog API
Here are some our most valuable business users' cases:
See here.
- Forum:
- [email protected] (purchase purpose)
- This software is open sourced under the Apache License 2.0
- You can not get rid of the "Powered by B3log 开源" from any page, even which you made
- If you want to use this software for commercial purpose, please mail to [email protected] for a commercial license request
- Copyright ©, all rights reserved