Names: Matt Zent & Sean Dorr
UMN Email: not listing due to this being a public repository
Third Party Assets:
Cuboom. (v1.0, released on 02/08/2018). Free LowPoly SciFi. Purchased on 12/08/21 from Unity Asset Store.
Karboosx. (v1.1, released on 11/05/2018). Sci-Fi Styled Modular Pack. Purchased on 12/10/21 from Unity Asset Store.
PULSAR BYTES. (v1.0 released on 04/12/2017). WorldSkies Free Skybox Pack. Purchased on 09/28/2021 from Unity Asset Store.
Download SCOW_Final_Submission.apk in project folder. On startup and when in the scene, use the right hand trigger to select objects that are within the sphere. This will make a copy of the world objects on to your left hand for further inspection and exploration. Use the gripper to grab an object. Use the trigger to select an object.