By far the easiest way to install the Multisafepay API client is to install it with gem.
# Gemfile
gem "multisafepay-api-ruby"
$ gem install multisafepay-api-ruby
You may also git checkout or download all the files, and include the Multisafepay API client manually.
Require the Multisafepay API Client. Not required when used with a Gemfile
require 'multisafepay-api-ruby'
Create an initializer and add the following line:
MultiSafePay::Client.configure do |config|
config.api_key = '<your-api-key>'
config.environment = :test # or :live
# Timeouts (default - 60)
# config.open_timeout = 60
# config.read_timeout = 60
You can also include the API Key in each request you make, for instance if you are using the Connect API:
MultiSafePay::Order.get('order-id', api_key: '<your-api-key>', environment: :test)
If you need to do multiple calls with the same API Key, use the following helper:
MultiSafePay::Client.with_api_key('<your-api-key>') do
order_id: '12345',
amount: 1000,
currency: 'EUR',
description: 'My first API payment',
redirect_url: '',
webhook_url: ''
payments = MultiSafePay::Transaction.all
If you wish to learn more about the MultiSafePay API, please visit the API Documentation.
Feel free to contribute and make things better by opening an Issue or Pull Request.
View license information for the software contained in this image.
This library is heavily inspired by the Mollie API client for Ruby.