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Getting Started

Ringo Hoffmann edited this page Feb 22, 2023 · 3 revisions

Getting Started

This step-by-step guide will lead you through the steps after inviting shinpuru to your guild.

All these steps can also be done in the web interface:

  1. Set the permissions for your roles using the perms command. Here you can read about how the permission system works and here you can find a list of all commands with their permission domains.

  2. Set the servers autorole with the autorole command. This role will be automatically assigned to every new member joined guild.
    example: sp!autorole Member

  3. Set a mod log channel with the modlog command. If you report, kick, mute or ban someone, this will be documented in the mod log channel. Just execute this command in the channel to set it as mod log channel or specify a specific channel by resolvable:
    example: sp!modlog #modlog

  4. Set a voice log channel with the voicelog command. If someone joines, leaves or moves between voice channels, this will be displayed in the voice log channel. Just execute this command in the channel to set it as voice log channel or specify a specific channel by resolvable:
    example: sp!voicelog #voicelog

Getting Started



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