2.8 (2018-08-29)
2.8 (2018-08-29)
- Updated release numbering to sync with other infrastructure components (2.0->2.8)
- Configured default GoGridRoute with web & mobile default hubs:
- for WEB testing selenoid is added
- for mobile empty selenium-hub is declared with ability to register your custom Appium sessions
- Reorganized storage for logs/video artifacts (ElasticSearch + LogStash + RabbitMQ + Reddis)
- Split zafira db scripts onto several layers: structure, data, views, widgets
updated qps-pipeline 2.7-2.8
updated jenkins-master 2.7->2.8
updated carina-core>
updated zafira 3.2.27->3.2.30
added qaprosoft/selenium-hub:3.1
added redis:4.0.11