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Update localized resources
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Update resources from Crowdin.

Signed-off-by: zapbot <[email protected]>
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zapbot committed Aug 28, 2023
1 parent ed8f046 commit a95486e
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Showing 71 changed files with 6,891 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
accessControl.accessRule.allowed = Allowed
accessControl.accessRule.denied = Denied
accessControl.accessRule.inherited = Inherited
accessControl.accessRule.unknown = Unknown
accessControl.activeActionPrefix = Access Control: {0} = Access Control Issue - Improper Authentication
accessControl.alert.authentication.otherinfo = Accessed as an unauthenticated user.\n\nRequest detected as authorized: {0}. The defined access rule for resource is that access should be: {1}. = Access Control Issue - Improper Authorization
accessControl.alert.authorization.otherinfo = Accessed as user: {0}\n\nRequest detected as authorized: {1}. The defined access rule for resource is that access should be: {2}.

accessControl.api.action.scan = Starts an Access Control scan with the given \ncontext ID and user ID. (Optional parameters: user ID for Unauthenticated \nuser, boolean identifying whether or not Alerts are raised, and the Risk level \nfor the Alerts.) [This assumes the Access Control rules were previously established \nvia ZAP gui and the necessary Context exported/imported.]
accessControl.api.action.writeHTMLreport = Generates an Access Control report for the given context ID and saves it based on the provided filename (path).
accessControl.api.view.getScanProgress = Gets the Access Control scan progress (percentage integer) for the given context ID.
accessControl.api.view.getScanStatus = Gets the Access Control scan status (description string) for the given context ID.
accessControl.contextPanel.label.description = This is where you can control the access rules for the web application.
accessControl.contextPanel.label.user = Access rules for User:
accessControl.contextPanel.label.warning = Warning: Changes to the Structural Parameters or Separators on the Structure panel will be visible after restarting this dialog and may cause the loss of some existing rules.
accessControl.contextPanel.title = Access Control
accessControl.contextPanel.user.unauthenticated = <<Unauthenticated user>>
accessControl.contextTree.hanging = Older rules
accessControl.contextTree.root = Context access rules
accessControl.desc = Add-on that adds a set of tools for testing access control in web applications.
accessControl.options.title = Access Control Options
accessControl.panel.title = Access Control = Show All = Show Illegal = Show Valid = Yes = No = Access Control = Authorized? = Method = URL = ZAP Access Control Report
accessControl.results.table.header.authorized = Authorized
accessControl.results.table.header.result = Result
accessControl.results.table.header.rule = Access Rule
accessControl.results.table.header.user = User
accessControl.scanOptions.button.scan = Start
accessControl.scanOptions.error.mode.protected = The following context is not allowed in ''Protected'' mode:\n{0} = Access control testing is not allowed in 'Safe' mode.
accessControl.scanOptions.error.noContext = You must select a starting Context for the scan.
accessControl.scanOptions.error.noUsers = You must select at least an User in order to start the scan.
accessControl.scanOptions.label.alertsRisk = Risk level for raised alerts:
accessControl.scanOptions.label.context = Context to scan:
accessControl.scanOptions.label.raiseAlerts = Raise alerts for identified issues:
accessControl.scanOptions.label.users = Users to scan as (at least 1):
accessControl.scanOptions.title = Access Control scan options
accessControl.scanOptions.unauthenticatedUser = << Unauthenticated >>
accessControl.scanResult.illegal = Invalid
accessControl.scanResult.unknown = Unknown
accessControl.scanResult.valid = Valid
accessControl.toolbar.button.options = Options
accessControl.toolbar.button.pause = Pause = Generate report
accessControl.toolbar.button.start = Start
accessControl.toolbar.button.stop = Stop
accessControl.toolbar.button.unpause = Unpause
accessControl.toolbar.context.label = Context:
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
alertFilters.api.action.addAlertFilter = Adds a new alert filter for the context with the given ID.
alertFilters.api.action.addGlobalAlertFilter = Adds a new global alert filter.
alertFilters.api.action.applyAll = Applies all currently enabled Global and Context alert filters.
alertFilters.api.action.applyContext = Applies all currently enabled Context alert filters.
alertFilters.api.action.applyGlobal = Applies all currently enabled Global alert filters.
alertFilters.api.action.removeAlertFilter = Removes an alert filter from the context with the given ID.
alertFilters.api.action.removeGlobalAlertFilter = Removes a global alert filter.
alertFilters.api.action.testAll = Tests all currently enabled Global and Context alert filters.
alertFilters.api.action.testContext = Tests all currently enabled Context alert filters.
alertFilters.api.action.testGlobal = Tests all currently enabled Global alert filters.
alertFilters.api.view.alertFilterList = Lists the alert filters of the context with the given ID.
alertFilters.api.view.globalAlertFilterList = Lists the global alert filters.

alertFilters.automation.desc = Alert Filters Automation Framework Integration
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.attack = Attack:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.attackregex = Attack is Regex:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.context = Context:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.evidence = Evidence:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.evidenceregex = Evidence is Regex:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.newrisk = New Risk:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.param = Parameter:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.paramregex = Parameter is Regex:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.rule = Scan Rule:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.title = Add Alert Filter
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.url = URL:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.addfilter.urlregex = URL is Regex:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.deleteglobal = Delete Global Alerts:
alertFilters.automation.dialog.summary = Alert Filter Count: {0} = Filters = Parameters
alertFilters.automation.dialog.table.header.context = Context = Rule
alertFilters.automation.dialog.table.header.newrisk = New Risk
alertFilters.automation.dialog.title = Alert Filters Job
alertFilters.automation.error.badattackregex = Job: {0} Invalid attack regex: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.badevidenceregex = Job: {0} Invalid evidence regex: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.badfilter = Job: {0} Invalid alert filter format: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.badfilters = Job: {0} The alertFilters element is not a list
alertFilters.automation.error.badparamregex = Job: {0} Invalid parameter regex: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.badrisk = Job: {0} Missing or invalid alert filter newRisk: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.badurlregex = Job: {0} Invalid URL regex: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.invalidruleid = Job: {0} Invalid ruleId: {1}
alertFilters.automation.error.nofilters = Job: {0} No alertFilters element defined = Job: {0} Added context filter for context: {1} alertId: {2} new risk: {3} = Job: {0} Added global filter for alertId: {1} new risk: {2} = Job: {0} Deleted all global alert filters = Alert Filters Automation

alertFilters.desc = Context alert rules filter

alertFilters.dialog.add.button.confirm = Confirm
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.alert = Alert Type:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.apply = Apply Filter:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.attack = Attack:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.attackregex = Attack is Regex?
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.enabled = Enabled:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.evidence = Evidence:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.evidenceregex = Evidence is Regex?
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.newlevel = New Risk Level:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.param = Parameter:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.paramregex = Parameter is Regex?
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.scope = Scope:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.test = Test Filter:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.url = URL:
alertFilters.dialog.add.field.label.urlregex = URL is Regex? = Global
alertFilters.dialog.add.title = Add Alert Filter
alertFilters.dialog.button.apply = Apply
alertFilters.dialog.button.test = Test
alertFilters.dialog.error.badregex.attack = The provided regular expression for 'Attack' is invalid
alertFilters.dialog.error.badregex.evidence = The provided regular expression for 'Evidence' is invalid
alertFilters.dialog.error.badregex.param = The provided regular expression for 'Parameter' is invalid
alertFilters.dialog.error.badregex.url = The provided regular expression for 'URL' is invalid
alertFilters.dialog.error.missing.rule = You must select one of the alert types
alertFilters.dialog.error.title = Invalid Field Value
alertFilters.dialog.filter.state.appliedto = Applied to {0} alerts
alertFilters.dialog.filter.state.appliesto = Applies to {0} alerts
alertFilters.dialog.filter.state.notapplied = Not applied
alertFilters.dialog.filter.state.nottested = Not tested
alertFilters.dialog.methods.button.add = Qosıw = Saqlaw = Tańlaw...
alertFilters.dialog.methods.label.custom = Custom:
alertFilters.dialog.methods.label.default = Default:
alertFilters.dialog.methods.label.method = HTTP Method:
alertFilters.dialog.methods.label.selected = Selected:
alertFilters.dialog.methods.title = Method Selection
alertFilters.dialog.modify.button.confirm = Confirm
alertFilters.dialog.modify.title = Modify Alert Filter
alertFilters.dialog.remove.button.cancel = Biykarlaw
alertFilters.dialog.remove.button.confirm = Alıp taslaw
alertFilters.dialog.remove.checkbox.label = Do not show this message again
alertFilters.dialog.remove.text = Are you sure you want to remove the selected Alert Filter?
alertFilters.dialog.remove.title = Remove Alert Filter

alertFilters.error.nofile = File not found : {0} = Global Alert Filters

alertFilters.panel.description = Change the risk rating of alerts raised by the scanners.
alertFilters.panel.newalert.fp = False Positive
alertFilters.panel.newalert.high = Joqarı = Info
alertFilters.panel.newalert.low = Tómen
alertFilters.panel.newalert.medium = Ortasha
alertFilters.panel.title = Alert Filters

alertFilters.popup.createfilter = Create Alert Filter...

alertFilters.table.header.alertid = Alert
alertFilters.table.header.enabled = Qosılǵan
alertFilters.table.header.newalert = New Risk Level
alertFilters.table.header.url = URL
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@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
allinonenotes.columnHeaders.noteContent = Note Content
allinonenotes.columnHeaders.requestId = Request ID
allinonenotes.desc = An All In One Notes Add-on
allinonenotes.panel.title = All In One Notes
allinonenotes.reload.button = Reload Notes

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