- Node & NPM - Build packages and 3rd party dependencies are managed through NPM, so you will need that installed globally
- Gulp - Gulp is used as the main task runner, it runs PostCSS, processes images, handles SVG sprites (if needed), and executes Webpack
- Webpack - Webpack is used to process the JavaScript
- Composer - Composer is used to manage PHP.
Clone the repository
Rename folder theme-scaffold -> your project's name
Do case-sensitive search/replace for the following:
- ZaoStarterTheme
- zao-starter-theme
- Zao Starter Theme
into the theme folder -
npm run start
npm run start
(install dependencies and run initial gulp)
npm run watch
npm run build
(build all files)
npm run deploy
(build all files for deploy)
composer lint
(lint PHP files)
composer lint-fix
(lint PHP files and automatically correct coding standard violations)
We don't know everything! We welcome pull requests and spirited, but respectful, debates. Please contribute via pull requests on GitHub.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Added some great feature!'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
- Babel core
- Babel eslint
- Babel loader
- Babel preset env
- Can I Use DB
- Del
- Eslint
- Eslint loader
- Gulp
- Gulp CSSNano
- Gulp filter
- Gulp Live Reload
- Gulp PostCSS
- Gulp Rename
- Gulp Sourcemaps
- PostCSS CSSNext
- PostCSS Import
- Pump
- Require DIR
- Run Sequence
- Webpack
- Webpack CLI
- Webpack Stream
- Husky@next
- Lint Staged