Trackazon is a user friendly way to keep some basic info on the items a user has in their store inventory. This application is built on a Ruby on Rails backend with a AngularJS front end.
This is my final project for the Flatiron School's Learn Verified Program.
For now, you'll have to add this code locally and spin up a Rails server. To do that, follow the instructions below:
# Move to your code directory, I am using a default in the example
# but you can use any directory.
cd ~/Development/code
# Clone the project code
git clone
# Move into the new directory we just cloned
cd trackazon
# Install the necessary gems
bundle install
# Seed with some sample data
rake db:migrate
# Startup the server
rails s
# Visit the webpage in your browser at localhost:3000
- Deploy to Heroku
- Answer these questions:
- Why does it request products.json for every request?
- Why does $scope.$watch need to request each product for each inventory page load?
- Why doesn't the partial form using ng-include actually pass any data?
- Basic UI Setup
- User Login system
- Build out Product class
- Validations
- Routes
- Add Angular
- Add gems
- Attach to products#index view
- Setup service to interact with back end
- Display products in table
- User Filter for currency amounts
- Show updates to in stock and profit values on quantity sold change
- New Product form Validations * Name: required, length > 5 * Item Cost: required, numbers * Sell Price: required, numbers * Quantity: required, numbers
- Bootstrap login forms
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.