Lightweight UML and ER-diagram editor for Eclipse. Former AmaterasUML and AmaterasERD.
- state machine
- generate EIA and test case
- Class diagram graphical editing
- Sequence diagram graphical editing
- Activity diagram graphical editing
- Import and export java code
- ER
- ER diagram graphical editing
- Import tables from existing database
- Generate DDL from diagram
- Export table definition as HTML
Install from the update site:
- Fixed the issue on Java7.
- Displays unique indices on the diagram.
- Switching display mode (logical or physical) by CTRL+D.
- Improvement of PostgreSQLDialect, MySQLDialect and OracleDialect.
- Refreshing imported tables. -The dictionary which is used for name conversion became customizable.
See details here about new features.
- Improvement of constructor in the class diagram
- Improvement of Java generics support
- Quick Filter ("Show only Public" and "Show All")
- Refresh the class diagram from Java source
- Copy the diagram as image
- Sybase support
- In importing and exporting, table and column comments are mapped to logical name (Oracle and Sybase only)
- Copy As Image from the context menu
- Quick Outline ([CTRL]+[O])
- Diagram font configuration
- HTML generation tool from *.erd file which could be used in command-line
See details here about new features.
- H2 Support
- Switching dialect after creating a diagram
- Improved foreign key creation behavior
- Improved HTML report
- Convert table / column name from context menu
- Show NOT NULL constraint in the diagram
- Show and snap to Grid, snap to other figure
- SQL Highlighting
See details here about new features.
- Note is available on the diagram
- Additional SQL (such as inserting initial data) of each table
- Auto diagram reloading when the file is updated such as SVN update
See details here about new features.
- New appearance settings of class diagram / sequence diagram
- Auto diagram reloading when the file is updated such as SVN update
- Show selected tables DDL from the context menu
- Table background color has been configurable
- Incremental search in the JDBC importing wizard
See details here about new features.
- MySQL reverse engineering issue has been fixed.
- SQL comment generation in DDL
- Diagram Validation
- Linked Table
- Table copy and paste
See details here about new features.
- PostgreSQL and Oracle support
- Table re-importing improved
- Foreign keys decoration in the diagram
- Default column value support
- Outline view
- New DDL generate option to generate constraints as ALTER TABLE
- Index designing support
- Domain (Generic data type definition) support
- HTML report imprived
See details here about new features.
- Auto layout in the class diagram editor.
- Java model importing supports aggregation.
- New actions are available at the ER diagram context menu
- Save as Image and Print
- Export table definition as HTML
- Auto layout
- Table definition dialog improved
- Table / Column description
- Auto increment column
- New extension point (
See details here about new features.
- Eclipse 3.3 Support (This version can't work with Eclipse 3.2.x)
- Copy & Pase in the class diagram, the usecase diagram and the activity diagram.
- Brand new visual theme for diagrams.
- Apache Derby support
- Logical database design support
- Activity diagram is available.
- Connection routers which exclude BendpoinConnectionRouter are not supported.
- Bendpoint moves according to the entity dragging.
- Note: This version hasn't compatibility with old versions.
- Initial Release
- Class Diagram
- Enable to drag two or more classes at a time.
- Enable auto connect to Generalization/Realization connection.
- Enable to drop the classes in jar entry.
- Extension
- XMI import/export extension is available.
- Common
- Enable to switch show/hide diagram grid.
- Class Diagram
- Enable to hide fields/methods by context menu.
- Usecase Diagram
- New feature
- Common
- Enable to hide icons.
- Enable to change background/foreground color.
- Class Diagram
- Enable to align diagram element.
- Add new connection router.
- Sequence Diagram
- Change presentation of instance.
- Add Sequence API and sample plugin. -Java support
- Enable to open Java editor from class diagram.
- Limitation
- Sorry, Sequence diagram editor can't edit *.sqd files created by older version.
- Add drag-and-drop
- both class and sequence
- drap Java file in package exploler view.
- Enable to delete and create Return message.
- Auto return message creation swtich in AmaterasUML preference
- Add code compiletion feature to edit message.
- Add sequence diagram editor.
- Add Note for class diagram editor