You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
There are two ways to control the configuration of Announcarr.
Edit the .env file that you supply to the docker container.
This is the less intuitive way. You edit the appsettings.json file, either in the publish output (if you built it yourself), or by creating a volume and overriding the file in the container.
Add this compose section to your compose file
- /path/to/custom/appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json
Add this to your docker run command:
docker run ... -v /path/to/custom/appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json ... ghcr.io/yuval-ziv/announcarr:master
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Kestrel__EndPoints__Http__Url | URL the application will listen to | no | | string |
It's not recommended to alter most configuration here besides:
- control the log template of each sink. -
- control the file sink output file. -
- control the file sink output file rolling.
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Serilog__MinimumLevel__Default | default log level | no | Debug | Verbose,Debug,Information,Warning,Error,Fatal |
Serilog__MinimumLevel__Override__Microsoft.AspNetCore | log level for Microsoft.AspNetCore assembly | no | Warning | Verbose,Debug,Information,Warning,Error,Fatal |
Serilog__MinimumLevel__Override__Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime | log level for Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime assembly | no | Information | Verbose,Debug,Information,Warning,Error,Fatal |
Serilog__Enrich__0 | log enricher | no | FromLogContext | string |
Serilog__Enrich__1 | log enricher | no | WithThreadId | string |
Serilog__Enrich__2 | log enricher | no | WithThreadName | string |
Serilog__Enrich__3 | log enricher | no | WithSourceContext | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__0__Name | console log sink name | no | Console | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__0__Args__outputTemplate | console log sink log template | no | {Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [{Level}] [Thread {ThreadId}{ThreadName:ifnotnull={ThreadName}] [{SourceContext}] {Message}{NewLine}{Exception} | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Name | file log sink name | no | File | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__outputTemplate | file log sink log template | no | {Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [{Level}] [Thread {ThreadId}{ThreadName:ifnotnull={ThreadName}] [{SourceContext}] {Message}{NewLine}{Exception} | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__path | file log sink output file | no | logs/log.txt | string |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__rollingInterval | file log sink output file rolling interval | no | Day | Infinite,Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__retainedFileCountLimit | file log sink output files to keep | no | 7 | number |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__rollOnFileSizeLimit | file log sink roll output file when reaching to size limit | no | true | false/true |
Serilog__WriteTo__1__Args__fileSizeLimitBytes | file log sink output file size limit | no | 104857600 | number |
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Announcarr__Interval__AnnouncarrRange | how often Announcarr will run | yes | Weekly | Hourly,Daily,Weekly,Monthly,Yearly |
Announcarr__Interval__MinuteOfHour | in which minute Announcarr will run | yes | 0 | 0-59 |
Announcarr__Interval__HourOfDay | in which hour Announcarr will run | when Announcarr__Interval__AnnouncarrRange is Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly | 20 | 0-23 |
Announcarr__Interval__DayOfWeek | in which day of the week Announcarr will run | when Announcarr__Interval__AnnouncarrRange is Weekly | Sunday | Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday |
Announcarr__Interval__DayOfMonth | in which day of the month Announcarr will run | when Announcarr__Interval__AnnouncarrRange is Monthly or Yearly | Sunday | 1-31 |
Announcarr__Interval__MonthOfYear | in which month Announcarr will run | when Announcarr__Interval__AnnouncarrRange is Yearly | Sunday | 1-12 |
Announcarr__EmptyContractFallback__ExportOnEmptyContract | should Announcarr export when there are no result | no | false | false/true |
Announcarr__EmptyContractFallback__CustomMessageOnEmptyContract | export this message when there are no result | no | There is nothing to announce for {announcementType} | string |
You can have multiple integrations. You need to add all the required keys with another ID (example: Integrations__Type__ID__Config
- first integration will have ID = 0, second ID = 1, etc.)
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__Name | integration name | only when more than one Sonarr integrations are defined | Sonarr | string |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__IsEnabled | is integration enabled | no | false | false/true |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__Url | Sonarr's URL | no | http://localhost:8989 | string |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__ApiKey | Sonarr's api key | yes | N/A | string |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__IgnoreCertificateValidation | should ignore Sonarr certificate (relvant only for https) | no | false | false/true |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}__IgnoreSeasonZero | should ignore season zero (specials) | no | true | false/true |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}__IsEnabled | should integration work for announcement type | no | true | false/true |
Integrations__Sonarr__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}Tags{m} | tags for the integration | no | N/A | string |
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}__Name | integration name | only when more than one Radarr integrations are defined | Radarr | string |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}__IsEnabled | is integration enabled | no | false | false/true |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}__Url | Radarr's URL | no | http://localhost:7878 | string |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}__ApiKey | Radarr's api key | yes | N/A | string |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}__IgnoreCertificateValidation | should ignore Sonarr certificate (relvant only for https) | no | false | false/true |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}__IsEnabled | should integration work for announcement type | no | true | false/true |
Integrations__Radarr__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}Tags{m} | tags for the integration | no | N/A | string |
You can have multiple webhooks. You need to add all the required keys with another ID (example: Webhook__Type__ID__Config
- first webhook will have ID = 0, second ID = 1, etc.)
Do NOT change the JSON payload of Overseer's webhook. Changing it might break the webhook.
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__Name | webhook name | only when more than one Overseerr webhooks are defined | Overseerr | string |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__EnableWebhookListener | is webhook listener enabled | no | false | false/true |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__AllowRemoteRequests | allow webhook from remote machines | no | true | false/true |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__Method | webhook http method | no | POST | see MDN |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__Path | webhook http path | no | /overseerr/webhook | string |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__AuthorizationHeader | webhook authorization header | no | N/A | string |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__OverseerrUrl | overseerr URL | no | http://localhost:5055 | string |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}__IsEnabled | is webhook enabled | no | true | false/true |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}NotificationTypeToConfiguration{NotificationType}__IsEnabled | should exporter work for announcement type | no | true | false/true |
Webhooks__Overseerr__{n}NotificationTypeToConfiguration{NotificationType}Tags{m} | tags for the webhook | no | N/A | string |
The difference between EnableWebhookListener
and IsEnabled
is that the first enables the listener (so it can handle requests) and the latter is a bigger toggle to NotificationTypeToConfiguration
. Maybe down the line there will be some sort of integration to Overseerr, so I'm separating the two configuration.
You can have multiple exporters. You need to add all the required keys with another ID (example: Exporters__Type__ID__Config
- first exporter will have ID = 0, second ID = 1, etc.)
Key | Definition | Required? | Default Value | Possible Values |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}__Name | exporter name | only when more than one Telegram exporters are defined | Radarr | string |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}__IsEnabled | is exporter enabled | no | false | false/true |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}__DateTimeFormat | format when converting date time objects | no | dd/MM/yyyy | string |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}__Bot__Token | telegram bot token | yes | N/A | string |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}Bot__ChatIds{m} | telegram chat ID the exporter should send messages to | no (without it messages won't be sent anywhere) | N/A | string |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}__Bot__CustomTelegramBotApiServer | custom telegram bot api server url | no | N/A | string |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}__IsEnabled | should exporter work for announcement type | no | true | false/true |
Exporters__Telegram__{n}AnnouncementTypeToConfiguration{AnnouncementType}Tags{m} | tags for the exporter | no | N/A | string |
Used some "variables" in the configuration
- instance number when using arrays. -
- The notification type coming from Overseerr. Possible values areMediaPending
. -
- The announcement type. Possible values areTest
. More here