Vuter is fork from Vetur.
This is a voluntary project maintained by a Vetur contributor.
Will be maintained until Vetur is reactivated.
- change vscode marketplace information
- base on [email protected]
- Speed up and stabilize e2e test
- Fix no props completion when child component
export default {}
is end of;
- Fix object property completion when have hyphen
- Fix SFC without a script tag show an error
- Add more typescript language service features and fix more bugs
- Add suggestion diagnostics and can fix unused import.
- Add Organize Imports code actions.
- Diagnostics will show quick fix in VScode.
- Add Typescript Refactor support
- Add support resolveJsonModule
- Add support analyzing vue-class-component and vue-property-decorator
- Can't support self vue component props completion when
@Component({ props: { } })
- Can't support self vue component props completion when
- Upgrade required vscode version to 1.43.0
- Upgrade prettier to 2.0.5
- Upgrade typescript from 3.7.5 to 3.9.5
- Fix template interpolation hover info of v-for readonly array item.
- 🙌 Improve performance while using template interpolation service. Thanks to contribution from @IWANABETHATGUY. #1839.
Vue tooling for VS Code.
- vls: Vue Language Server
- vti: Vetur Terminal Interface
- Docs:
🎉 VueConf 2017 Slide & Video 🎉
- Syntax-highlighting
- Snippet
- Emmet
- Linting / Error Checking
- Formatting
- Auto Completion
- Debugging
- Install Vetur.
- Try it with Veturpack, a pre-configured Vue boilerplate based on Vuepack.
- Refer to setup page for setting up.
- Refer to each feature's own page for setting up specific features.
See #873.
MIT © Pine Wu