The archived version before adding the Github Pages feature, at which time the basic information of 600+ papers (including federated learning on graph data and tabular data and federated learning papers in various top journals and top conferences) has been collated and verified (including source code, arxiv preprint hyperlinks and publication hyperlinks).
What's Changed
- update FL for NLP in ACL NAACL EMNLP by @tenderzada in #2
- Update conference url by @tenderzada in #3
- add FL related papers from NDSS 2022 and USENIX 2022 by Shmily1368 ——version2 by @Shmily1368 in #5
- 添加s&p2023 by @Li-Hongcheng in #7
- Add Heter-aware by @AlvinIsonomia in #8
- Update FedGCN by @yh-yao in #9
- Add survey and course of MPC and FL. by @lokinko in #12
- feat(add): ci&cd ghpages by @beiyuouo in #13
- Sprinter1999 xuefen by @beiyuouo in #15
- INFOCOM2022 by @Li-Hongcheng in #16
- update nlp papers introduction by @tenderzada in #18
New Contributors
- @Shmily1368 made their first contribution in #1
- @tenderzada made their first contribution in #2
- @Li-Hongcheng made their first contribution in #7
- @AlvinIsonomia made their first contribution in #8
- @yh-yao made their first contribution in #9
- @xbfu made their first contribution in #11
- @lokinko made their first contribution in #12
Full Changelog: https://github.com/youngfish42/Awesome-FL/commits/v0.8.0-alpha