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yonatan555 edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Ex_3 wiki!

wellcome to to our project , this project will be about graphs ,read and write it to the screen from server.

we are using at stdDraw for the graphics

To play the program create a new gui object , and run it.

this will open a window ,the window will show at menuBar 2 options to play : manual or auto playing.

by using each option will open a window to choose which senario to play , if auto option has choosen , the game will play automaticlly .

else the game will play by the user , and by click at any robot at map (packman) , and another click on a close point at graph the roboot will move to the choosen point.

the game will run between 30-60 sec ,until it over then will show the score and the num of moves.


graph: the grpah

Actions monitor: standats

Input : screen

grades: 👍


info:👍 scores


graph 1

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