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As of the version 2, zerobyw-dl has become comic-dl. Now this library is for generic uses.

Looking for zerobyw-dl? Check here.

This library is not for browsers.

Please help me translate the documents, thanks.

🌟 Features

  • Very low memory usage
  • CLI tools
  • Supports multiple sites (More on the road)
  • Supports shorthand URLs
  • Download as ZIP/CBZ, or just a folder of pictures
  • Downloading progress watch
  • Detects downloaded chapters
  • Sync / Update downloaded chapters
  • Generates ComicInfo.xml

🌈 Site List

πŸ–ΌοΈ Gallery

List of chapters

List of chapters



πŸ“— Quick Start


You need Node.js (LTS or the current version) to run this project.

npm i comic-dl
# or
npx comic-dl help


npm i yinyanfr/comic-dl
# or
git clone
cd comic-dl
npm i
npx . help

πŸ”§ Cli

Usage: comic-dl [options] [command]

  chapter, c, ch    Download images from one chapter.
  download, d, dl   Download chapters from a manga serie.
  generate, g, gen  Generate template for your module.
  help              Display help
  list, l, ls       List all chapters of a manga serie.
  version           Display version

  -a, --archive           Optional: Output zip or cbz archive grouped by chapters.
  -A, --auth              Optional: A string that contains token or cookie.
  -b, --batch             Optional: Set the number or images to be downloaded simultaneously, default to 1.
  -C, --chapters          Optional: Only downloading given list of chapters, example: -C 1,2,4,7
  -c, --cookie            Optional (but recommanded): Provide the path to a text file that contains your cookie.
  -F, --format            Optional: the format of downloaded picture, depending on the modules, example: webp / jpg.
  -f, --from              Optional: Starting chapter when downloading a serie, default to 0.
  -g, --group             Optional: For sites that provides series in groups, please refer to the site info docs, default to default.
  -H, --help              Output usage information
  -h, --history           Optional: (Experimental) Add the serie url to a given text file when using the `download` command, its value is default to a `history.txt` file under the same path of `--output`.
  -I, --indexed-chapters  Optional: Add index to the folder / archive file name of chapters.
  -i, --info              Optional: Generate ComicInfo.xml.
  -l, --list              Optional: (Experimental) The path to a text file that contains a list of URLs.
  -M, --max-title-length  Optional: restrict the length of title as the folder name.
  -m, --module            Optional: Specify the module (site) name. Will attempt to detect module by url if not set.
  -n, --name              Optional: Proride the serie title and override the folder name.
  -o, --output            Optional: The path where downloaded files are saved (default to .), setting this flag when using list will save a ComicInfo.xml to the path.
  -O, --override          Optional: overrides downloaded chapters.
  -p, --presets           Optional: loading a JSON file of site presets.
  -r, --retry             Optional: Automatically re-download chapters with failed images.
  -S, --shorthand-url     Optional: The shorthand url, please refer to the module docs.
  -s, --slience           Optional: Silence the console output, including the confirm prompt.
  -T, --timeout           Optional: Override the default 10s request timeout.
  -t, --to                Optional: Ending chapter when downloading a serie, defaults to chapter.length - 1.
  -u, --url               Optional: The url to the serie or the chapter.
  -v, --verbose           Optional: Display detailed error message, overrides silence.
  -V, --version           Output the version number
  -y, --yes               Optional: Skipping confirmation prompt when downloading series.
  -z, --zip-level         Optional: zip level for archive, default to 5.

  - Download a serie from its 10th chapter to 20th chapter to the given destination, 10 images at a time, output zip archives with ComicInfo.xml by chapter, retry if a chapter is not properly downloaded.
  $ npx comic-dl dl -c cookie.txt -f 10 -t 20 -o ~/Download/manga -a zip -r -i -b 10 -u serie_url

  - Download chapter index 0, 4, 12 from a serie, overriding downloaded files.
  $ npx comic-dl dl -c cookie.txt -o ~/Download/manga -i -O -u serie_url -c 0,4,12

  - Download from the group tankobon from a site that provide series in different groups.
  $ npx comic-dl -u serie_url -g tankobon

  - Download a serie with presets
  $ npx comic-dl -p presets.json -u serie_url

  - List all chapters of the given serie.
  $ npx comic-dl ls -u serie_url

  - Using shorthand URLs.
  $ npx comic-dl -m zerobyw -S 12345

  - Download a chapter named Chapter1 to current path.
  $ npx comic-dl ch -n Chapter1 -u chapter_url -c cookie.txt

  - Generate a new module named mySite.
  $ npx . gen --module mySite

  - Generate a presets json.
  $ npx . gen --presets > presets.json

You can now use presets to reduce the number of flags, check here for details.

πŸ“– Library

Initializing downloader

import ZeroBywDownloader from 'zerobyw-dl';

// Path for downloaded files
const destination = '~/Download/zerobyw';
// Configs
const configs = {
  // Get your cookie from the network inspector of your browser
  // Optional but highly recommanded, as ZeroByw partially blocks content for non-paid users
  cookie: 'your_cookie',
  // Request timeout in ms (Optional: default to 10 seconds)
  timeout: 10000,
  // Silencing console output (Optional)
  silence: false,
  // numbers of images to be downloaded simultaneously (Optional: default to 10)
  batchSize: 10,
  // Display detailed error message, will override silence (Optional)
  verbose: false,
  // Output zip or cbz archives grouped by chapters (Optional)
  archive: 'zip',
  // Additional headers for HTTP Requests (Using axios under the hood) (Optional)
  headers: {},
  // Restrict the length of title's length, in case your file system has such limitation (Optional: default to undefined)
  maxTitleLength: 30,
  // Zip level for archives (Optional: default to 5)
  zipLevel: 5,
  // Format of downloaded image, (Optional: depending on the modules, normally default to webp or jpg)
  format: 'webp',
  // Add index to the folder / archive file name of chapters (Optional)
  indexedChapters: false,
}; // Optional

const downloader = new ZeroBywDownloader(destination, configs);

πŸ“œ Getting serie info

const options = {
  output: 'output_path', // Optional: Set this to write a ComicInfo.xml to the path, use true to output to the inherited destination folder
  // By default, the file is downloaded to destination/serie_title/ComicInfo.xml
  rename: 'serie_title', // Optional: Override the serie title folder name
  filename: 'ComicInfo.xml', // Optional: Overrides the default file name

const info = await downloader.getSerieInfo('serie_url');
// info
// {
//   title: "Serie Title",
//   chapters: [{
//     index: 0,
//     name: "Chapter Name",
//     uri: "chapter_uri", // without baseUrl
//   }],
//   info: {} // please refer to ComicInfo's Documentations
// }

πŸ“š Downloading from a serie

const options = {
  start: 10, // Optional: Starting chapter, inclusive, default to 0
  end: 20, // Optional: Ending chapter, inclusive, default to the last (length - 1)
  confirm: false, // Optional: Launch a console prompt asking for user's confirmation before starting downloading, default to false
  rename: undefined, // Optional: Changing the folder name, default to undefined
  retry: false, // Optional: Automatically re-download chapters with failed images.
  info: true, // Optional: Generates ComicInfo.xml, default to **false**
  chapters: undefined, // Optional: Array of chapter indexes to download, will download the entire serie if not provided
  override: false, // Optional: Overriding downloaded chapters, default to false
  group: 'default', // Optional: for sites like Copymanga, that offers series in multiple groups, default to default.
  onProgress: progress => {
  }, // Optional: Called when a chapter is downloaded or failed to do so
}; // Optional

// progress
// {
//   index: 0, // chapter index
//   name: "Chapter Name",
//   uri: "chapter_uri",
//   status: "completed", // or "failed"
//   failed: 1, // numbers of images failed to be downloaded
//   // status is completed as the download queue is cleared, even with failed images.
// }

// Download all chapters from a serie
await downloader.downloadSerie('serie_url');

// Download from the 10th to the 20th chapter (11 chapters in total)
await downloader.downloadSerie('serie_url', options);

πŸ”– Downloading a chapter

const options = {
  index: 0, // chapter index
  title: 'Serie Title',
  info: ComicInfo, // Optional: Generates ComicInfo.xml, please refer to ComicInfo's Documentations
  override: false, // Optional: Overriding downloaded chapters, default to false
  group: 'default', // Optional: for sites like Copymanga, that offers series in multiple groups, default to default.
  onProgress: progress => {}, // Optional: Called when a chapter is downloaded or failed to do so, the same as in serie options
}; // Optional

await downloader.downloadChapter(
  'Chapter Name',

✏️ Modify configs

// change one config
downloader.setConfig('archive', 'cbz');
// merge configs
downloader.setConfigs({ archive: 'cbz' }); // Will merge

// get and set baseUrl
downloader.baseUrl = 'your_url';

Development Guide

Dev Guide can be found here

ℹ️ Information