This is a replacement SCPI server for redpitaya.
To cross-compile scpi-server, you need arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
and configure
the linker in ~/.cargo/config
linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
Then add the armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
target to rust toolchain:
rustup target add armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
And finally:
cargo build --target armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf --release
Start the server on your repitaya:
# cat /opt/redpitaya/fpga/fpga_0.94.bit > /dev/xdevcfg
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib/ ./scpi-server
Then, on your computer:
$ echo 'ECO:VERSION?' | netcat rp-xxxx.local 5000
0.97-489-ef96127 (ef96127)
If you have a problem, you can display more messages:
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/redpitaya/lib/ RUST_LOG=debug ./scpi-server
DEBUG 2018-02-24T14:12:44Z: scpi_server::server: Server started
DEBUG 2018-02-24T14:12:46Z: scpi_server::server: New client
DEBUG 2018-02-24T14:12:46Z: scpi_server::server: > "ECO:VERSION?\n"
INFO 2018-02-24T14:12:46Z: scpi_server::server: Scpi(Version) []
DEBUG 2018-02-24T14:12:46Z: scpi_server::server: < 0.97-489-ef96127 (ef96127)
DEBUG 2018-02-24T14:12:46Z: scpi_server::server: Client served
See this ansible recipe.