![Alt text](/images/logo.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) Is an open project that want to give blind people a new way to feel the world, using an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance between the device and an obstacle a meter away. website
you can use it as a clothespin, just need to put in the clothes.
Yeffri J. Salazar team leader, prototyping.
Sebastian Juarez 3d design.
Elmer Colchaj schematic and PCB design.
- Attiny85.
- two transistors 2n3904.
- push button two pins.
- socket 8 pins.
- USB cable.
- ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04.
- coin vibrator.
Download the sketch and upload the code to an ATtiny 85
tutorial: https://themicrofcontrol.wordpress.com/2016/06/03/como-programar-un-attiny-con-arduino/
Please change the LED2 by the coin vibrator.
![Alt text](/images/circuit/schematic.png?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x)
##Board the board was made in proteus by labcenter the file is in the proteus folder
![Alt text](/images/circuit/board.png?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/circuit/3d.png?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/circuit/3d2.png?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ##Issues
The files are in the 3d files folder. [Front] (https://github.com/yeffrimic/BlindProject/blob/master/3d%20files/Pieza1.STL) [Back] (https://github.com/yeffrimic/BlindProject/blob/master/3d%20files/Pieza2.STL)
#####Images ![Alt text](/images/case/1.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/case/2.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/case/3.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/case/4.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/case/5.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x) ![Alt text](/images/case/6.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x)
Sonar is part of AGHA Asociacion Guatemalteca de Hardware Abierto
![Alt text](/images/agha.png?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x)
Sonar is part of Comunidad Arduino Guatemala
![Alt text](/images/arduinogt.jpg?raw=true "Optional Title"=400x)
Blind project por Yeffri salazar se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Basada en una obra en https://github.com/yeffrimic/BlindProject/blob/master/blindProject/blindProject.ino.