- Demo #1: Create new Web App
- Demo #2: Network Integration
- Demo #3: Deployment Web App
- Demo #4: Creating Linux Web App from container
- Demo #5: Autoscale by using performance metrics
- Demo #6: Web App Slots and Canary deployment
- Demo 1: Create Azure Functions
- Demo 2: Azure Functions project
- Demo 3: Create a Durable Function
- Demo #1: Azure Blob
- Demo #2: Adding a policy to Azure Blob storage
- Demo #3: Managing Azure Blob from code
- Demo #4: Using AzCopy in the Cloud Shell
- Demo #1: Creating and Query Azure Cosmos DB
- Demo #2: Document insertion and Consistency in Cosmos DB by using code
- Demo #3: Stored proc, Trigger and Transaction support in Cosmos DB
- Demo #4: Graph API
- Demo #1: Create an Azure VM by using the Azure portal
- Demo #2: Create an Azure VM by using PowerShell
- Demo #3: Create Resource Manager templates by using the Azure portal
- Demo #4: Create Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code
- Demo #5: Run Docker image locally
- Demo #6: Creating a container image
- Demo #7: Deploy an image to ACR by using Azure CLI
- Demo #8: Deploy a container to ACI
- Demo #1: Identities in Azure AD
- Demo #2: OAuth in Action
- Demo #3: Interactive authentication by using MSAL
- Demo #4: Microsoft Graph Web API
- Demo #5: Use SAS token to access Storage Account
- Demo #1: Create Azure Key Vault with CLI
- Demo #2: Retrieving a secret from Azure Key Vault
- Demo #3: Data Encryption in Azure
- Demo #4: Feature flag
- Demo #1: Azure API Management
- Demo #2: Setting and editing Azure API Management policies
- Demo #1: Route custom Event Grid events to a storage account
- Demo #2: Event Hubs in Action
- Demo #3: IoT Hubs in Action
- Demo #4: Notification Hub
- Demo #1: Send and receive messages from a Service Bus Queue
- Demo #2: Processing Images with WebJob
- Demo #3: Azure Relay In Action
- Demo #1: Azure Monitor
- Demo #2: Create an alert
- Demo #3: Application Insights in action
- Demo #4: Application Insights Advanced features
- Demo #5: Retry Policy
- Demo #1: Connecting to Redis Cache
- Demo #2: Azure Cache for Redis in Action
- Demo #3: Create an Configure an Azure CDN resource