- A thin callback class (defaults to 32bytes, but can be as short as 16 bytes).
- You don't need to derive from anything to get called, just specify the global function, assign a lambda or assign a obj + method pointer.
- No heap allocation requested. The lambda is saved inside the callback itself.
- The local storage defaults to 24 bytes, but can be enlarged if required.
- No copy-ctor, no move semantics or destroying the saved lambda.
- Tested under VisualC++ & OSX
// Some type of event registration between uint32_t -> callbacks
template< typename TCallbackType >
class TMsgBus {
std::unordered_multimap< uint32_t, TCallbackType > callbacks;
void add(uint32_t id, TCallbackType cb) {
callbacks.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, TCallbackType >(id, cb));
void on(uint32_t id) {
auto range = callbacks.equal_range(id);
auto it = range.first;
while (it != range.second) {
void test())
typedef jaba::Callback<void(int)> TCallback;
CBase b;
CDerived1 d1;
CBase* d2 = new CDerived2;
int id = 100;
printf("Testing TCallback3 ----------------\n");
printf("Sizeof TCallback is %zd\n", sizeof(TCallback));
// ------------------------------------------
auto lambda1 = [id](int a) {
printf("Hi from non-captured-params lambda %d, with params %d\n", a, id);
// ------------------------------------------
TMsgBus<TCallback> bus;
bus.add(10, [&b](int x) { b.method1(x); });
bus.add(10, [&b](int x) { b.method2(x); });
bus.add(10, [&d1](int x) { d1.method1(x); });
bus.add(10, lambda1);
bus.add(10, publicFn);
bus.add(10, { &b, &CDerived1::method1 });