Build Powerful React Native With Greate Language Identifier And Translator Amazing ⚡️
MLKitTranslator | |
⚡️ | Identify Language Immediately over 50 languages supported (full list) |
😎 | Lazy loaded. download models when needed |
🔄 | Offline-first. no network required for using |
📱 | Multiplatform. iOS, Android |
⏱ | Fast. Support New Architecture |
🔗 | Relational. Built on MLKit Translation foundation |
Static typing Full-Support TypeScript |
Key capabilities
- Broad language support Translate between more than 50 different languages. See the complete list.
- Proven translation models Powered by the same models used by the Google Translate app's offline mode.
- Dynamic model management Keep on-device storage requirements low by dynamically downloading and managing language packs.
- Runs on the device Translations are performed quickly, and don't require you to send users' text to a remote server.
yarn add fast-mlkit-translate-text
npm i --save fast-mlkit-translate-text
Quick example: identify language type
import FastTranslator from 'fast-mlkit-translate-text';
const text = "你好,朋友";
.then((result:string) => {
//output: 'en'
.catch((err:Error) => {
//handle error
Translate text example: identify 、download model and translate
etc: you'd like to translate English to Chinese
1️⃣ prepare (when you change the source or target language, you need to call prepare firstly)
import FastTranslator from 'fast-mlkit-translate-text';
await FastTranslator prepare({
source: 'Chinese';
target: 'English';
downloadIfNeeded: true; // set to false if you want to download mannually
// await FastTranslator.downloadLanguageModel('Chinese');
// await FastTranslator.downloadLanguageModel('English');
Do not translate text if the model is not downloaded you can check model by func isLanguageDownloaded
2️⃣ translate text
await FastTranslator.translate(text);
// 🎉 got it, dude
FastMLKitTranslateText was created by @yaaliuzhipeng
fast-mlkit-translate-text is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.