Tube Bricks is a simple to use YouTube Description Generator. Add text bricks, separators and start mixing them to create the desciption for your next YouTube video.
Bricks are one of the main components of this App. Every Brick has a title and the text itself. Titels are used to organise and find your bricks. The list on the left side is searchable so you can find and edit a specific brick quicker. The text of the brick is used to generate the description in the Generator tab.
Separators are the other main component of this App. Every Separator also has a title and a text. Titels are again used to organise them and the list of separators are searchable as well. The purpose of separators is, that in the generator each brick is simply concatenated to the generated description. A separator separates each brick from each other. You can for example create a separator to get a line break, a double line break or anything you can imagine to separate your bricks.
Here your bricks and separators come to life. Add your bricks, chose a separator for each brick and generate your description. There are also two freetext textfields for the header and the footer. Each separator is inserted right after the brick or the header. Only the separator for the footer is inserted between the last brick and the text for the footer. Once you click generate, the generated text is copied to your pastebord. For your convenience, you can have multiple configurations in the generator for different types of videos, so you don’t have to rearrange everything everytime (e.g. I have travel vlogs and a special format where the description differs slightly. With the configurations I always only have to change the music and alter the header to generate my description)
Here's how the finished text for the sample above looks:
This is my new travel video. Have fun watching it. :)
Music used in this Video:
-Some Artist - Some Song
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel.
This App is a first draft of what I find useful for myself, developed quick and dirty in a couple of hours. It's also my first Mac App as well as my first App written in swift. Therefore it might contain some bugs and doesn't follow best practices. I gave my best since I use the App everyday to generate descriptions of my daily video diary. Nevertheless I can imagine some improvements and additional features. Heres a short list of what I might or might not implement in the near future. Feel free to implement it yourself and send me a pull request:
- Make everything look more beautiful
- Implement Undo Manager so accidental delete/changes can be undone
- Add default Checkbox to Separator so every Brick added to a Generator gets the default Separator automatically
- Drag Bricks from a Generator outside of the List to remove them
- ?
Additional thanks goes to the developers of Realm ( Realm is used as the underlaying database to store and retrieve bricks and separators. It has a very small footprint and it's even easier to use than Apples Core Data.